Arc 2 chapter 6: island exam part 5

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Ibuki pov
Today was the day.
The test would end tomorrow, and it was time to get back to Ryuuen and Ayanokouji at the shack.
No one had seen me in the tent on the first night, so I was all good. Now, I just had to create a distraction so I could get away.
Using one of the matches I'd been given, I applied flame to a small pile I'd prepared, right outside the camp toilet.
I quickly went back to the tent, and waited till I heard voices to pick up my bag and leave. I ran away from the camp, towards the beach, where there was a jet-ski waiting for me, and another for Kaneda.
But then, from behind, I heard a noise. I turned around to see a foot flying towards my face. I quickly ducked, only to have the foot brought down on my temple in an axe kick. I looked up to see my assailant: Kushida Kikyou.
"Heh, did you think you could get away with it?" She said, the grin I'd seen in the alley before the midterms appearing.
I was scared, and delirious. I put my hand to my head, and I luckily couldn't feel any blood. I could tell I had a slight concussion, but I could still get myself out of this. That possibility vanished when I saw a girl come out of the tree line.
It was Horikita Suzune, the leader for class D in this exam.
"Stop, Kushida!" She said. That was unexpected.
"Why should I? She knows your identity." Kushida said.
"It doesn't matter. Violence is against the rules." Horikita responded. I'd figured that she wouldn't mind bending the rules if it meant that she could win.
"Besides, we know their leader: Albert Yamada. I saw him claim a spot myself the other day." She said.
Good. At least Horikita had fallen for it.
"Yeah, well. I don't feel like losing 50 points." Kushida grimaced.
"Well. It doesn't matter. My brother ordered me to ensure violence didn't break out between your group or Ayanokouji's."
"Did he, now. Well. I suppose that makes you my enemy." Kushida said, as she leapt toward Horikita. Her fist was about to collide with Horikita's face, when-
It was blocked. I could tell from both Kushida's and Horikita's form that they were adept at martial arts. Probably on my level, and maybe a bit better.
They traded blows. At this point the fight could go either way.
But then, Kushida's foot collided with Horikita's unguarded face, and she collapsed on the ground. Kushida walked towards Horikita. I had to stop her, it looked like she was going to seriously hurt Horikita while she was down.
She had her back turned to me, so I took 2 items out of my bag. I aimed one straight up in the air, and I aimed one at Kushida.

Kushida pov
"Heh. I've always hated you, you know. How does it feel to get beaten?" I asked.
Horikita didn't say anything, but glared at me.
"Hm. You're just like that annoying brother of yours. Such a shame. Sorry about this, Horikita. Don't worry, I'll pin your injuries on Ibuki." I said, raising my foot to stomp on her face.
"HEY, PSYCHO BITCH" Ibuki shouted behind me. I turned around, and saw a flashing light coming towards me. I dodged to the side, and fell over. The thing that had whizzed passed my head went into the jungle and...exploded? Did she just shoot a firework at me? And she had the gall to call me a psycho bitch?
I was about to get up and attack her, but a knee was driven into my back, and my hands were tied up as quick as lightning. Horikita had subdued me, with the help of the traitor.
Speaking of which, I saw Ibuki get on one of the jet-ski's that was parked at the beach, and set off. Damn.

Kaneda pov
That was intense. I had seen the firework she shot in the air, which was our signal for help, and had rushed to the beach to check out the situation.
Kushida was bound, and Horikita was leading her back to the forest. I had never seen Kushida angry, like the fighters in our group had, and I was glad. Her angry face terrified me.
I went to the jet-ski waiting for me, and set off to the shack.

Ayanokouji pov
Albert had just to get some more food and water before he went to claim more spots. He also gave me a situation report. He confirmed that he had occupied spots whilst in the presences of students from class A, B and C.
Just then, I saw something moving across the water out of the window. I went outside and stood on the dock to see Ibuki racing towards me.
She got to the dock, and I saw Kaneda appear on the horizon.
When they were both inside, and had told me about the incident with Kushida and Horikita, I asked the inevitable question:
"Who are the leaders?"
Ibuki went first.
"Class D's leader is Horikita Suzune." She said. A good choice. I probably wouldn't have guessed that. I looked to Kaneda.
"Shiranami Chihiro is class B's leader." He confirmed. I didn't know who that was. Another good choice.
"Was there anything else about the encounter with Kushida?" Ryuuen asked.
"Yes actually, two things. She was a good fighter. Better than what I saw in the alley that time." That was strange. Had she been trained during that time?
"And the other thing?" I asked.
"Yes. She said the student council president had ordered her to stop violence between our groups."
That was strange. I had met the man briefly during the trial against Sudou that we fabricated after the finals. I had guessed that they were siblings, judging by their last names. So, they knew about our conflict, yet remained neutral? That was certainly interesting.
"Ok, that's good. For the remainder of the exam, you two could stay here, or accompany Albert." I gave them the choice. Kaneda decided to accompany Albert, while Ibuki opted to stay with us.
I also gave Albert 2 sheets of paper. One to give to Horikita in class D, and one to Katsuragi of class A.

Timeskip to the last day

Ryuuen, Ibuki and I set out to the beach where the exam started. If we timed it just right, we would be able to arrive after the other classes had guessed leaders.
We arrived at the beach, but stayed hidden.
We saw Hirata writing on a piece of paper.
We saw Albert writing on a piece of paper. We had told him who to guess.
We saw Kanzaki writing on a piece of paper.
We finally saw Katsuragi writing on a piece of paper.
It was time to make our entrance.
"Oh, hey there, sycophants. Did you miss us?" Ryuuen said.
The entire beach reacted in a sea of whispers.
"I thought you'd all retired, except for Albert and Ibuki, Ryuuen-kun." Hirata, the leader of class D, said in surprise. He must be shitting himself now. He had obviously guessed Albert as the leader.
"Who are you? More importantly, where's Suzune? I've dreamed of squeezing her bottom."
I slapped Ryuuen on the arm for the third time during this exam, giving him the c'mon dude look.
Just then, we heard the click of a megaphone being turned on. Mashima-sensei appeared on the beach. The first-year students hurriedly tried to form a line, but Mashima-sensei waved his hands at them to stop.
"It's fine. We don't mind if you want to keep relaxing. The test has already concluded. Now, we've entered the summer vacation part of the trip, so it's all right if you loosen up."
Even though he'd said that, tensions were naturally running high for the students. They all stopped their chatter in an instant.
"Over this past week, we, your teachers, have closely watched your efforts in this special test. There were some students who took on the challenge honestly, head-on. There were some who devised schemes to tackle the test. Many things have happened, but overall, the results were splendid. Good work."
The students appeared relieved to receive such straightforward praise from Mashima-sensei. It seemed like everyone was finally starting to believe the one-week test was really over.
"Well then, to get straight to the point. I would like to announce the results for this special test."
There probably wasn't a single person, not even our own homeroom teacher, who had seen these test results.
"We will not accept any questions regarding the results, no exceptions. We would like you to accept the results you have been given, analyse them, and use them to help you for the next test. It is what it is (😏meme reference😏). Don't wet yourselves over these results. You must accept reality, you know?"
"That's what we should be saying to you class C people. You used up all of your points, right? Don't make us laugh." Sudou poked fun at class C's reckless behaviour.
"Now, we will announce the rankings. The lowest score is class B with 5 points."
The class B students were upset. Kanzaki looked angry, and Ichinose looked as though she had failed.
"In third place is class D with 105 points."
The wind was knocked out of Sudou's sails. We laughed at him.
"In second place is class A, with 140 points."
A commotion broke out. No one had expected the rankings or point totals.
"And then, class C..."
For an instant, Mashima-sensei's movements stiffened. However, he soon resumed speaking.
"...has come first with 250 points. This concludes the announcement."

A few hours ago
Katsuragi and Horikita pov
Albert from class C came up to me. He gave me a slip of paper. On it, there were words written, and not in his handwriting.
From Ayanokouji Kiyotaka: class B's leader is Shiranami Chihiro.

Authors notes
1595 words
Finally, the island exam arc is over. Arc 3 starts next, the zodiac exam. Damn, I'll have to remember the rules for that one.
Current class point standings:
Class 1-A: 1292
Class 1-B: 0725
Class 1-C: 0852
Class 1-D: 0195

Class C promoted to class B 🥳.
As long as nothing goes wrong during the zodiac exam arc.
I really liked this chapter. I think It turned out well.
The reason Ayanokouji only told the other classes class B's leader was because class B was the immediate target. It wouldn't do to give them any free points by telling them another classes leader.
Horikita followed her brothers orders, and stopped Kushida from beating up Ibuki.
Kushida managed to beat Horikita, thanks to her training. Horikita was sick though, so it wasn't a fair fight.
Kushida didn't make the big brain move of making Horikita retire.
Nothing much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed.

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