Summer part 2: swimsuits. Lots of swimsuits.

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It was the last day of summer. Tomorrow, I would officially be a student of class 1-A. Things were about to get serious.

But for now, it meant that there was 1 day left of relaxation and freedom. And I had some good plans, as Fuka had invited me to the pool. I was excited for swimming. And when I say swimming, I mean Fuka. And when I say Fuka, I mean Fuka in her swimsuit.

We met up at 08:30 outside the dormitories. She was wearing a sun hat and a dress.

"Hello Kiyotaka." She said, hugging me.

"Hello Fuka." I said back.

We went off to the swimming pool. Along the way, we came across Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi from class D. They gave me the stink eye for what happened on the island and the ship.

"Damn, Kiyotaka. I know you humiliated everyone on the ship, but they really can't get over it, huh?" Fuka said, loud enough for them to hear. This only made them angrier, but they kept walking. One thing that was odd about them was Sudou. He was carrying 2 bags, and one of them looked moderately heavy. For someone of Sudou's physique to have any trouble carrying something meant that it had to be pretty heavy. Interesting.

When I got to the changing rooms, it got even weirder. Yamauchi and Sudou had made some sort of barricade in front of Ike. If I remembered correctly, they were directly in front of the vent. I heard something get put inside the vent, and then the vent door clanged shut. Had they put something in the vent? Like a camera? No, that didn't make sense. Why would they want to watch the boys get changed? It would be more like them to put it in the girls room.

Perhaps they had a way of moving the camera through the vents. Come to think of it, I think I saw Ike in the electronics store looking at a remote controlled car the other day.

This was bad.

"Woah, talk about luxury. It's completely decked out."

The large pool facility, normally used for club activities and regular practice, looked completely different today. A number of students crowded the area, but food stalls were also everywhere. Snack and junk food were in abundance: hot dogs, yakisoba, okonomiyaki, and more.

Even weirder, upperclassmen seemed to be managing the stalls. There were all types, from serious students who worked hard without so much as a smile, to students who looked like they were having a blast. It reminded me of the special tests.

Whatever was going on, it certainly seemed festive.

If you wanted to attract positive attention from the people around you, you had to put in the work. Take academics, for example. If you were at the top of the class, or got the highest score in an exam, people paid attention to you. The same held true of you exhibited remarkable athleticism. But there were many ways to stand out, and one was simply by being attractive. Handsome men, beautiful women-it was easier for gorgeous people to attract attention than Star athletes or academic titans. You couldn't really deny that that special factor existed.

I didn't know how we compared to other schools, but a lot of people at this school were more attractive than average.

What would it be like if stunning looks went hand in hand with athletic prowess and a perfect mind? Someone who wasn't just cute and exceptionally stylish, but also academically brilliant. The result would be the girl who came out of the changing rooms now, clad in a rather revealing swimsuit.

"Eh Heh. You like it, Kiyo?" Fuka asked me. I realised later that that was the first time she had called me Kiyo. I wasn't bothered right now though. I was too busy admiring the view. Sure, I had seen her wearing less before, but something about the swimsuit just made it better.

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