Arc 9 prologue: spy/family

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"It...pains me to have to do this to you, my student...but you left me no choice," he said.

Sakayanagi, however, stayed silent.

"You see...although I didn't specifically tell you not to accept my son into ANHS, I would have thought it was obvious," he continued.

"I thought...he deserved a brief time to be himself," Sakayanagi said.

"Oh? And you didn't think of the repercussions it would have? You've set my research back a long way. Do you have any idea how long it will take to rectify this mistake? If he escapes me for good, it could take years for me to find a replacement," he started ranting slightly.

Something seemed to stir up in Sakayanagi.

"A replacement? For your own son? All you see him as is a tool," Sakayanagi spat.

A fierce glare from Ayanokouji locked with Sakayanagi's defiant gaze.

"So, what now? Are you going to kill me?" Sakayanagi asked, without fear in his eyes.

", I think not. You were a valuable friend to me when we were younger. For the sake of...sentimentality, I suppose you would call it, I shall let you live. I think permanent house arrest should do," Ayanokouji said.

Sakayanagi looked slightly confused. I reckon he had fully been expecting to have a knife in his throat.

"But make no mistake; if you ever betray me again, I will have you assassinated. In fact, I would like to show you the person who would carry out such a deed," Ayanokouji said, gesturing to my partner.

"I understand she is an old student of yours."

Somewhere else

I was about to walk back to the dorms after class, when Matsushita called out to me.

"Hey, Mii-chan! I wanted to talk to you about something? Could you come with me for a sec?" She asked.

"Sure," I said, packing my bag and following her.

We had been walking for a good 10 minutes or so now.

"Uh, Chiaki-san...where are we going?" I asked.

"There's someone who wants to meet you?" She answered.

I tried to ask more questions, but to no avail. She would just give me a variation of the same answer.

Had I already been discovered?

We were in the special building, the one with no security cameras. If someone wanted to do something illegal on campus, this would be the perfect place.

I readied my self.

"Thank you, Matsushita. Mei-Yu Wang, I presume?" Asked a voice behind me.

I turned around.

"Ayanokouji...Kiyotaka?" I asked involuntarily.

"You already know who I am?"

"Y-yes...not many people at this school don't know who you are, you're kind of a big deal. It's your actions that have raised Class C's point count by almost 1000 points in less than a year," I said.

"Well, I'm flattered that you know me. And here I thought I was going to have to introduce myself. I'll just get straight down to the point then," he said, and then...

Matsushita POV

"你为谁工作?" Said Ayanokouji.

(A/N Sorry for the font change)

Was he speaking Chinese? I suppose it would be better for Mii-chan to speak in her own language. Or, perhaps he didn't want me to listen to their conversation?

"你到底是什么意思?你为什么要问我这个?" She asked. She looked a little startled at his question.

"拜托,我们不要拐弯抹角。我再问一次:你为谁工作?中国政府,还是某个流氓组织?" He pressured her.

"我不...." she started to say, but Ayanokouji cut her off.

"既然你不告诉我,我就猜一猜:你打着一个出国留学的中国学生的幌子申请了这所学校。我不知道为什么,但我可以猜到。也许你是来窥探日本政府的,或者你来这里是为了我或我的家人。无论哪种方式,我并不完全认为你来这里纯粹是为了勤奋。别担心,我不会告发你的。。我有一个商业建议给你." He said.

I only managed to pick out a key phrase: my family. What did Ayanokouji's family have to do with this?

Mii-chan looked down.

"你只对了一半,清隆Ayanokouji。当然,我听说过Ayanokouji这个名字在我以前的雇主周围用安静的语气说话。我们也有类似的教养,你和我,除了我的政府知道我和他们抚养的其他孤儿,而你父亲却非法抚养你," Mii-chan said, somewhat calmly.

I made out Ayanokouji's name a few times, but nothing else.

"如果你知道我父亲的事,那么我相信你明白他想要我回来。在学校营地,我遭到了他的两名执法者的袭击。我打赌他这次会寄更多到学校。如果发生这种情况,我不仅会失去自由,而且无辜的人也会受到伤害." He said.

Mii-chan paused for a moment.

"你有什么建议?" She asked after a few moments.

"目前,我没有很多强大的盟友。。我有一些,但还不够。我需要一个在这种情况下有真正经验的人。你的条款是什么?" He asked.

"一旦我们完成学业,你必须为我提供一个住宿的地方。这是不可谈判的." She said, instantly.

"完成," he said, holding out his hand.

"It's been a pleasure doing business with you, Ayanokouji-kun. Until next we meet," Mii-chan said, shaking his hand.

After Mii-chan had left, I went up to Ayanokouji.

"Why were you speaking Chinese? Why couldn't you have spoken in a language I could understand?" I asked.

"We spoke about some...sensitive topics. Nothing you need to concern yourself with," he brushed me off.

"And what's so important about your family?" I asked about what snippets I'd made out in his conversation.

What happened next was a little bit hazy. After I had asked about his family, my feet left the floor, and I was pinned up against the wall, 2 feet off of the ground. Ayanokouji's hand was around my throat, but I could still breathe.

"Matsushita-san. For your own sake, please do not ask questions, especially about my family. You're quite valuable to me, and I would not want to be rid of you just yet," he said.

I nodded my head in response, too terrified to get the words out.

He released his grip on me, and I fell to the floor.

I watched him walk away.

For some reason, I didn't hate him for what he'd just done.

Authors notes
1132 words
Haha I wrote this chapter just to be annoying. Have fun going to and from Google translate.
You don't really NEED to translate it, but you'll get some extra insight early.
I decide to give Mii-chan some screen time, since she's only ever mentioned in the ln like, twice, except in vol 9, 10 and 11, where she actually has a role to play, but she's still just a Hiratard, so I decided to give her a better role.
(By the way the title of the chapter has nothing to do with Spy x family. Speaking of Spy x family, how did that get to 2nd most popular anime already? It's good and all, but it's not THAT good, is it? It's definitely best anime of the season, but it's higher rated than things like AOT and Code Geass already. Crazy world)
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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