Arc 4 chapter 1: festival announcement

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Our afternoon class became a two-hour homeroom period. When class A's teacher, Sakagami-sensei, arrived, he began to instruct us in a detached, matter-of-fact manner.

"It seems that you have risen to class 1-A, students. Well done. Do not get complacent, however. The other classes are still vying for your position as of right now."

That was right. We had started in April as class 1-C. Now, in September, we were now class 1-A. It was a feat that Nagumo Miyabi of class 2-A had managed when he was a first-year, although he started in 1-B.

"Starting today, classes begin again. However, from September to the beginning of October, we will be holding more physical education classes to prepare for the school sports festival. We'll distribute new weekly schedules, so please review them carefully. In addition to new schedules, we'll also distribute materials related to the festival. Students seated at the front, please pass handouts to those behind you, and so on."

The moment Sakagami-sensei uttered the words "sports festival" the class erupted in an uproar. Some students were undoubtedly excited by the prospect, but just as many loathed the idea of anything focused on physical exertion.

"The details on the printed handouts can be found on the school homepage as well. Please refer to them if necessary."

"Sensei, is this festival another of the special exams?" Ryuuen asked.

"You're free to interpret this however you wish. In any case, this event will massively impact each and every class."

The students who loathes exercise continued grumbling. At an ordinary school, you could find a way to sit out or skip a sports festival. If this festival affected the entire class's fate, however, then even the least athletic of us had to participate.

On the other hand, some students were really fired up about this. Particularly those who, like Albert, were confident in their athletic abilities. This was probably the first exam that would let them contribute to the class meaningfully.

"Some people may have noticed this already, but for this year's festival, we're going to divide all the students across all grade levels into two groups and have them compete against each other. You in class A are assigned to the red team. Class D is also assigned to the red team, so they will compete alongside you," explained Sakagami-sensei.

Classes B and C were assigned to the white team. It would be red versus white.

"Woah! Seriously?! We're really doing that?" Shouted Kondou. He'd probably assumed that this exam would put all four classes against one another, same as always. This sports festival required a strategy that we hadn't yet seen before. It demanded cooperation between students from different years.

"First, let's view the sports festival's outcomes. I don't want to have to explain them to you repeatedly, so please listen carefully," said Sakagami-sensei.

He went over the text on the printout, tapping the paper forcefully to indicate where to look. Still listening, I lower my eyes to the handout.

Sports festival rules and team division
The sports festival divides all students, across all grade levels, into two teams: Red and White. The breakdown goes as follows: classes A and D are on the red team, classes B and C are on the white team.

Point allocation for all competitors
(individual competitions)
Points will be allocated as follows: first place will be awarded fifteen points, second place will be awarded twelve points, third place will be awarded ten points, and fourth place will be awarded eight points.

One point will be deducted for coming in fifth place, and one additional point will be subtracted for each place below that.

(During a team competition, the winning team will be awarded 500 points)

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