Side story: Kushida.

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Hm. The cow tits bitch Ichinose stopped us from fighting. I suppose I should thank her, really. Ayanokouji almost beat the shit out of me.
I had just arrived at the meeting place. I was the last to arrive.
"Ah, Kushida girl, there you are." Kouenji said.
"Why did you call this meeting, Kouenji?"
"Ho Ho, straight to the point, eh? I like it. Well, to be quite frank, you and Kanzaki boy here aren't on the same level as a perfect existence like myself, as evidenced in our little tiff the other day."
"Obviously. We were kicked out of that place years ago." Kanzaki said.
"Fufu that's the problem. Your education was stopped before it could get serious. We'd like to remedy the situation, if just a little." What did the loli mean by that?
"Yes. In short, Kitou will train you in martial arts, I shall help build your stamina, and Sakayanagi girl here will sharpen your brains." Kouenji tapped his head.
I don't know whether I felt happy or angry. I had been thrown out of an education I hated, to an orphanage I hated more. And now, I was at a school I hated, being asked whether I wanted to return to an education similar to the one that fucked me up in the first place. I looked at Kanzaki, who nodded. Well, I suppose if he could do it, I could too.
"We'll do it." I said.
"Good choice. Your training begins tomorrow." Kouenji said.
"Now, onto our next item of business. Nagumo, how is your puppet coming along?" Kouenji asked Nagumo.
Nagumo just laughed.
"I won't be able to get her to go after Ayanokouji without a valid reason. She's too kind hearted." Nagumo said.
"Then, what do you suggest we do?" Kouenji asked.
"I can feed her lies. I can tell her Ayanokouji killed people and she'd probably believe me, under the right circumstances." He said.
"Fufufu you're so naught Nagumo-senpai." Flat bitch said.

Authors notes
332 words.
So, Kushida and Kanzaki will be learning similar to how they did in the white room, but not quite as rigorous. By the time the island exam starts, Kushida will be around Ibuki level strength wise, and Kanzaki will be able to match Kitou, who in the light novel was the best martial artist in class A. So we got that to look forward to.
Hope you enjoyed.

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