Arc 10.5 chapter 2: the end of the first year

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I have a friend. His name is Matsuo Eiichiro.

He used to have ambitions of studying hard and getting a well paid job, to pay back his father for all the care and love he was given.

But now that will never happen.

Eiichirou now works a part time job, earning barely what he needs to get by in life. And it's all because of 1 boy.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

The elderly Matsuo worked as Ayanokouji's butler. One day, Matsuo told Ayanokouji of the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, a place where he could live without his father bothering him. Ayanokouji enrolled at this school, and has been living there for almost exactly a year now.

Eiichirou also desired to go to this school, but in his rage, Ayanokouji's father made sure that Eiichirou's application was denied. Every time Eiichirou would try for a different high school, he would get denied, even with his exceptional grades.

Matsuo pleaded mercy for his son, and Ayanokouji's father accepted... exchange for Matsuo being burned alive.

And now, Eiichirou is working for scraps.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's freedom came at the cost of the life of Matsuo and Eiichirou's future.

I'll be damned if I let him keep that freedom.


A body was found again. This time it had been dumped in the sea. Last time it was crucified in an abandoned warehouse. The time before that I pushed it off of a building in Ikebukuro.

Various forms of execution. One week it would be beheading, then it would be death by drowning. Occasionally I would pour petrol on people and set them alight.

There was only ever one thing in common with all of this murders: there was always a name carved onto the victims chest, or back, or whatever the largest part of them remaining was.

How many people had I killed now? It must have been over 50.

I had discovered a little under a year ago that I got a kick whenever I killed something. The first time, it was out of self-defence and fear, but I liked it. So I killed again, and I liked it even more.

But I wouldn't go undetected forever. Just the other day, I almost got caught. The police had chased me for nearly 10 minutes the other day, and the only reason I lost them was because they were run over by a drunk driver.

I had to find somewhere small, isolated. Somewhere away from the public eye.

I remember the story about that school on the island, what was it called again? ANHS? Something like that.

Tokyo was in the midst of a crisis. Killings were happening more than once a week, all with a single thing in common. Wherever you went, people would whisper the name found on the corpses.

One day, I would make sure everyone knew that name. It would invoke fear and terror from the masses, and bring images of blood and gore to peoples minds.

The name was...



I had gotten up early today.

I had decided to take the bus to school, whereas my partner decided he would rather take a taxi.

"Less chance of a random attack," he'd said.

He probably just didn't want to do the same thing as me if I thought it was a good idea.

Idiot. What if the taxi driver shook you down, eh?

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