Arc 10 prologue part 1

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It was a certain day in February, shortly before the in-class voting exam was officially decided upon, and the teachers at the Advanced Nurturing High School were keeping busy. They were preparing for their students to advance to the next grade level, to graduate, to go on to university. Additionally, there was a final special exam for all grade levels. It was a busy time, made all the more complex by a variety of factors.

None of the teachers had the free time or wiggle room to do anything else. They were swamped, day in and day out. However, the teachers of the first-year students had a more complicated situation to deal with than those of the other grade levels.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes what I have to say regarding the content of the final special exam for first-year students, as well as the new system that we'll be introducing."

A man had just finished explaining the final special exam of the year to the entire faculty. What he'd outlined was just the same as it had been for the second and third years, but things were different for just first-years.

"If any instructors do have any questions, please, speak up," he added, looking around at the teachers who were listening to his every word. The atmosphere in the room was tense and stiff.

The silence continued for several seconds.

"If I may, acting director Akito?" Mashima, first-year class A's instructor, raised his hand and broke through the stillness and silence that pervaded the faculty lounge.

Chabashira and Hoshinomiya both turned to look at Mashima at the same time. The man who'd just been referred to as acting director Akito had noticed the first-year homeroom instructors already had numerous doubts. Or rather, he knew there would be nothing to discuss if they had no doubts.

He was assessing their value, as people. As members of society, adults, teachers working solely for a pay check. It had been nearly 15 years, after all, and Akito wanted to see if he could still defeat them in the same ways.

"What is it, Mashima-sensei, homeroom instructor for first-year class A?" Akito, anticipating questions, spoke with a broad and gentle smile.

"While the criteria for the special exams for the second and third year students remain the same as in previous years, those of the exam for the first-year students greatly exceeds the annual average. This in-class voting exam...carries a high risk of expulsion."

Mashima addressed Akito as an instructor in charge of the first-year students, and for the sake of the children of the future, undaunted by his old schoolmate's title of acting director. He continued speaking, even more sternly than before.

"Please pardon my rudeness, but you've only just been appointed to your position, acting director Akito. While I'm sure you've made your decision based on what you've seen so far, I think it is unwise to do something that would forcibly expel students simply because no one has been expelled from the first-year classes yet."

Akito seemed somewhat pleased by Mashima's question...or rather, by his protest. He gave a sickeningly sweet smile. Mashima, Hoshinomiya and Chabashira all remembered that smile. It was a smile he made whenever he was planning something big.

"Carries a strong risk of expulsion, you say. Haven't the students already been in danger of expulsion in every special exam they've had up until this point? Isn't there a rule at this institution that even a single failing grade results in expulsion? Surely no high school would have such a strict system."

"I am pointing out how unreasonable this is. Though, yes, it is certainly true that students who fail to achieve a certain quality of results will be expelled. The system is not meant to be an easy one. In fact, we've had a number of students be expelled every year."

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