Arc 8 summary

682 25 0

(I'm too lazy to actually go through the results cause I'm a massive douche)


1st place: group C

Class A: 1420+24=1444 (120,000 private points given in total)

Class B: 1090+6=1096 (20,000 private points given in total)

Class C: 470+6=476 (20,000 private points given in total)

Class D: 180+9=189 (30,000 private points given in total)

2nd place: group A

Class A: 1444+8=1454 (40,000 private points given in total)

Class D: 189+12=201 (35,000 private points given in total)

3rd place: group D

Class B: (5,000  private points given in total)

Class C: (5,000 private points given in total)

Class D: (5,000 private points given in total)

4th place: group E

Class B: (65,000 private points deducted in total)

Class C (5,000 private points deducted in total)

5th place: group B

Class C: 476-24=452 (80,000 private points deducted in total)

Class D: 201-15=186 (50,000 private points deducted in total)

(A/N I'm gonna be real with you guys: I think I may have added up the groups wrong, cause I could only find enough students for 5 groups. At the time I'm writing this A/N, I've been crunching numbers for a solid half an hour already, so
I've decided to make the girls results the same as the boys because I am a lazy fuck and I'm tired)

Final count:

Class A: 1420+64=1484 (320,000 private points given in total)

Class B: 1090+12=1112 (40,000 private points deducted in total)

Class C: 470-18=452 (60,000 private points deducted in total)

Class D: 180+12=192 (20,000 private points given in total)

1st place: Class 1-A
2nd place: Class 1-D
3rd place: Class 1-B
4th place: Class 1-C

Authors notes
299 words
Fuck me. This was the most difficult chapter I've ever fucking written, I swear to god. I see why most writers avoid the School Camp exam.
I...may have fudged with the results a little to make it more favourable for class A, but it's a fanfic, so I can do whatever the fuck I want.
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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