Summer part 3: the best kind of reward.

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It wasn't going well. We were losing the game 7-3.

"Kiyo. You ok, champ?" Fuka asked me.

"Yeah. To be honest, I don't have much reason to get competitive." I admitted.

Nagumo shouted something to us. He was probably making fun. We had only been winning so far because of Fuka and Albert, our star players.

"If we win..." Fuka came up to me and whispered in my ear.

"I'll sit on your face." She said.

(Nice meme reference 😏)

Instantly, I felt a new energy in my limbs. This pressure was terrifying.

I gestured to Albert to let me serve. I threw the ball into the air, and smacked it with all my might at Nagumo's face. I didn't need to do that. I just thought Fuka would like it. Evidently, by the way she was clutching her stomach, doubled over with laughter, she did.

For the next 10 minutes, I played to the absolute best of my abilities. A lot was riding on this match. The score was now 15-7. We had won. I looked to Fuka, who nodded her head, which was a promise for our later activities.

I looked at the defeated team. Nagumo was trying not to sulk, and Ichinose was trying to comfort him, and cleaning up his bloody nose. Kanzaki and Kushida just looked at me. 'How could we have expected any less than perfection from a man like him?' Their expressions seemed to say.

Shiina was cheering us from the sidelines. She was jumping up and down while clapping. Since she was in a swimsuit, this made certain parts of her move around a lot. Ryuuen had to crack his knuckles at Ike and Yamauchi to get them to stop gawking.

We went back to the changing rooms, where Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou were at the vent again. Too bad for them that I'd already told Fuka about it, and she had taken the memory card out. At least, she should've by now.

Fuka pov
"Well done on that game, Kiryuuin-san." Kushida said to me.

"Sweetie, when it's just us two, you don't have to be fake. There's no one else in the changing rooms right now." I said.

She looked around. She hadn't realised that we were alone.

"Well. Good for you. How did you get him to beat us?" She asked, all cheeriness gone.

"I don't know what you mean." I said, obliviously.

"Don't play dumb with me you fucking bitch. I bet you offered yourself, didn't you? Yeah, you're just a little slut, right? Well, Kiyotaka loves me. Why would he love you when he could have me. ME!" She had pinned me to the lockers. Rather, I'd let her pin me to the lockers. I wasn't afraid of some psycho girl.

"Hm. If he loves you so much, then why did you stab him that time." I asked.

"Th-that...he wasn't listening to me. I had to. He had you whispering in his ear, I had to snap him out of it, to bring him back to m-me." Her eyes had gone empty now, not even full of malice.

I had been planning for this moment ever since Kiyo came to my room with a bandaged hand that night. From out of my pocket, I pulled a small cooking knife. Kushida hadn't realised what I was doing yet, so she was still rambling incessantly.

"This is payback." I said, stabbing her hand, mirroring what she had done to Kiyo. She screamed in pain, dropping to the floor. I tugged at her hair, bringing her face up to mine.

"Kiyo can love whoever the fuck he wants to. Right now, though, I'm fairly certain he and I are what you would call 'in love.'" This drove Kushida over the edge. She was crying and screaming and shouting. Damn, her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. I slapped her face to shut her up.

"Listen. No one is gonna hear about this. Am I right?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Good. You should call one of your little friends to help you. Here are some bandages." I tossed a bundle of bandages on her.

"Try not to die." I said, walking out of the changing rooms.

Ayanokouji pov
I saw Fuka walking towards me.

"Did you do it?" I asked.

"Yeah. Here is the memory card. You were right, it was a toy car." She gave me the card. I noticed she had blood on her hands.

"Oh, the blood? Don't worry, just a little bit of business with Kushida." She said.

Shit. Things had escalated.

"Right, let's get out of here then." I pulled her close, heading back to the dormitories.

When we got back to my room, I ordered her to take a shower to wash away any blood. I cursed myself. She had obviously done this out of revenge. If I hadn't been stabbed, then she wouldn't have stabbed Kushida. I was confident that Kushida wouldn't go to the teachers, at least. I still had that evidence of her.

I heard the bathroom door open behind me.

"Good. Finally. Let me see the kni-" I paused, as before me I saw Fuka dressed in nothing except a towel covering her breasts and lower body, held up by her mouth.

"Well now. What was it I promised you for winning the match? Oh yes, that was it." When she spoke, the towel dropped, revealing what had been covered. I was lost for words. She pushed me onto the bed.

"I promised to sit on your face." She said, smiling.

Kushida pov
I was in so much pain. I almost felt bad about doing that to Ayanokouji on the rooftop that time. It was absolute fucking agony.

"Deep breaths." Kanzaki said. He had helped me get to my room without being noticed. I had lost a lot of blood, and needed to rest. At least I had had the decency to leave the knife in Ayanokouji's hand.

Kanzaki had stitched up my hand, doing a good enough job that I would have thought he was a surgeon.

"Heh. We got medical training in that place, didn't we?" I said, weakly.

"Yes. But it came at a steep price." He said.

That was true. By the time I was ten, I could match high schoolers. But now, thinking about my sanity, I wondered if it was worth it.

Whether it was worth it didn't matter. I have these skills, so I should use them. I should use it to bring an end to that place. But, even with the group now, we couldn't beat him.

"K-Kanzaki. We need more people on our side." I said.

"You're right. We can't let that place continue." He said.

Ah. I forgot, most people in the group were in the group because they wanted to destroy the white room. But not me. I was their because I wanted Kiyotaka to be mine. But he wasn't mine. He was Kiryuuin's. I had to remove her from the equation entirely if I wanted him.

Authors notes
1184 words
Volleyball match done and dusted.
We'll be starting the sports festival arc next.
Class 1-C has now become class 1-A.
Class 1-A has now become class 1-B.
Class 1-B has now become class 1-C.
Kiyotaka and co. beat the Kushida group at volleyball.
Fuka stabbed Kushida in the hand.
Not much else to say really.
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed.

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