My apologies

1.9K 39 1

Last chapter was a proper stinker. Just read it again. It's like post-nut clarity. I mean, the events in the chapter are what happened, but it's still pretty shit. Buuut...
It leaves more time for some none-exam stuff on the ship :D.
Author-san promised that they would do a lemon chapter after 10k reads but...I am too shy. I am very sorry 😞. I cannot write such filth.

Ichinose also apologise on my behalf

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Ichinose also apologise on my behalf.

But wow. 10k reads in just over a week of the fic starting. I don't know if that's impressive, but I think that's pretty good going.

Sorry for the absence of lemons. I never thought we'd hit 10k.

I also got the platinum trophy for Elden ring today. If you have all 9 legendary armaments, but the trophy won't pop, just put all the armaments in your chest and pick them back up. It should do it.

Sorry for last chapters stinker. I'm not as good writing original content, as I am altering existing content.

I hope next chapter is better.

Thank you all for reading this fic.

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