Arc 1 chapter 12: childhood friends.

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Before I knew it, class had ended for the day. It was time for the next part of our plan. I headed to class 1-D to speak with Kikyou Kushida.
"Hey, do you have a minute?" I called out as she prepared to head back to the dorm. Kushida turned around.
"Oh, it's unusual for you to come to talk with me, Ayanokouji-kun. Do you need something?" She asked.
"Yeah. If it's ok with you, can we talk outside?"
"Well, I was going to meet up with my friends, so I don't really have much time, but...okay."
Smiling, she followed me, not a trace of unpleasantness to be found. After we turned the hall corner, Kushida waited for me to speak.
"Rejoice, Kushida. You've been selected as an ambassador of goodwill. Take these." I said, handing her a brown envelope.
"What's this, Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked.
"They are last years test papers. If you look near the front of the pile, you'll find a pop quiz that the second-years did on April 30th last year."
She looked at the paper.
"It's the exact same!" She exclaimed.
"Yes, and do you know what that probably means?" I asked.
"That the midterm questions will be the same as the papers here?" She guessed
Kushida was flustered.
"Oh, well. Thank you, Ayanokouji-kun." Kushida made to leave.
"Wait." I stopped her.
"What is it, Ayanokouji-kun?" She asked.
"There are two conditions I want you to agree to." I said.
"Oh, ok. No problem, what is it?" She asked.
"I would like you not to give them to your classmates until the day before the test, so they can learn how to study without the answers." I said.
"Ok, and what's condition number 2?" She asked.
"You and class 1-D owe me and class 1-C a favour, to be cashed in at any time I or Ryuuen Kakeru please."
She froze for a split second, but regained her composure.
"Well, ahem. I suppose that's...fair enough." Kushida said.
"Great. Goodbye, Kushida."
"Yeah, goodbye, Ayanokouji-kun." She said, waving as I went.

I'd been helping Shiina with her study group, which contained Ishizaki and Kondou, after school. We'd finished for the day, so I decided to head home. I left the library. When I got outside, I saw Kushida. That in itself wasn't strange, but she was heading towards the school. I felt myself getting curious as to what she would be doing at the school building at this hour.
I decided to follow her. If she was busy, I'd talk to her again tomorrow. Bearing that in mind, I pressed on. When I got inside the school, I took out a pair of indoor shoes from the cubicles in the hallway, but I didn't see Kushida. Had I lost her? I thought I had, until I heard the faint clack of shoes.
I followed her up the stair to the second floor. The sound of footsteps continued to the third floor. The next level after that was the roof, wasn't it? Students were free to use the roof during lunchtime, but it should've been locked after class. While I thought it strange, I went up the stairs, trying to hide my presence as best I could in case she was meeting with someone. Then, I stopped partway.
Someone was up there.
I pulled out my phone and, checking it was on silent mode, started a recording. I gently leaned against the handrail and peeks through a crack in the rooftop door. Through the opening, I glimpsed Kushida. No one else was with her. Was she waiting for someone?
A rendezvous at such a secluded place...could she possibly be waiting for her boyfriend? If that were the case, I could end up cornered on all sides. While I agonised over how to sneak away, Kushida slowly set her bag down on the ground.
And then...
"Ahhh, so annoying!"
Her voice was so low that it didn't sound like Kushida.
"She's seriously annoying! God, how irritating. It'd be better if she just died..."
She grumbled to hereelf, as if chanting the words to some kind of spell or curse.
"Ugh. I hate stuck-up seniors who think they're all that just because there a little bit pretty. Why is she such a harpy? A rotten girl like her couldn't possibly outclass me. Ah, she's the worst! She's just the worst, the worst, the worst! Kiryuuin, you're so annoying! I hate you!"
Why did she hate Fuka?
"And you, Ayanokouji. Why do you want a favour from class D? What sick, twisted game are you planning in the shadows?"
I felt like I'd glimpsed the true side of this gentle girl. The side I'd suspected existed all along. She probably didn't want anyone else to see this darker side. A voice in my head whispered it was dangerous to stay here.
However, and odd question still hadn't been answered. Why did she hate Fuka? And why did she agree to work with me if she didn't like me? Why force herself to talk and conspire with me? Did she want to get along with me? Or did she want to become closer to Fuka?
At any rate, I needed answers. I opened the door to the balcony.
"Huh...Kushida? What are you doing here?" I decided to play the fool.
After a brief silence, Kushida coldly asked, "what...are you... doing here?"
"I got a little lost. Sorry, my bad. I'll be going now."
Kushida looked straight at me, clearly seeing through my obvious lie.
"Did you hear?" She asked
"Would you believe me if I said I didn't?" I replied.
"I see..."
Kushida briskly walked towards me. She placed her left forearm against the base of my throat, and pushed me down to the ground. Although she was much stronger than I'd thought her to be, I could have got her off of me. This, however, suited me. This new Kushida wore a terrifying expression, one you could almost compare to Fuka's angry face.
"If you tell anyone what you just heard, I won't forgive you."
Her words were ice, and I didn't think they were an idle threat.
"And if I did tell?"
"In that case, I would tell everyone that you raped me," she said.
"That's a false charge, you know."
"That's ok, it wouldn't be false."
Her words had heft and power, leaving me unable to reply. As she spoke, Kushida grabbed my right wrist and slowly opened my hand. She pushed my palm up against her soft breast.
"They feel better than you're little girlfriends, right?" She asked. Well, I would have to disagree.
"Anyway, your fingerprints are on my clothes. That's evidence of my claim. I'm being serious, understand?"
"Yes. I do." I said.
It was a rather odd position we were in, with Kushida on top of me.
A new look came over her face. She grabbed hold of my hand, and held out a single finger, which she started to lick.
"Do you like that, Ayanokouji?" She asked, her expression remained the same, except there was a strange hunger on her face now.
I remained silent.
Her hands shifted down to my belt, trying to unbuckle it.
"No, Kushida, I don't want to do that with you." I said clearly, so my phone could pick it up.
Her expression was almost enough to make me worried now. Even now, her eyes stayed the same, devoid of all emotion. I finally knew where I had seen those eyes before.

They were the same eyes that stared back at me whenever I looked in the mirror.

Kushida pov
Yes, this was finally it. Once he had experienced me, he wouldn't be able to go back to that bitchy skank Kiryuuin.
Then he spoke.
"You know, this recording I took actually proves that you're raping me Kushida." He said.
I looked at him, and he was holding out his phone, which had been recording our conversation.
"Delete it." I said.
"Get off of me." He said.
"I said DELETE IT!"
I grabbed his throat with both of my hands, in an attempt to intimidate him.
"Don't you see, Ayanokouji? We're meant to be together, you and me. Forget about that slut. I'm way better than her."
I would have to be careful not to kill him, only to make him fall unconscious. Then I could have all the fun I wanted with him. I was getting warm just thinking about it. The training I had received from that place when I was younger, when my parents had abandoned me their, meant that I could have snapped his neck if I wanted.
But then, he grabbed both of my wrists in his right hand, and pulled me off of him.
"Kushida, what you did here today was illegal. If you want me to keep my mouth shut, you're going to do as I say from now on."
Our positions had reveresed, and he was on top of me. He was looking in to my eyes. I saw them. They were his eyes. The eyes of that man. Which meant that Ayanokouji must have been that boy. The one who I grew up alongside, and the one I had been separated from due to my own incompetence.
"Demon." I said.

Authors notes
1576 words.
And there we have it. Kushida knew Ayanokouji before the both came to ANHS, which can only mean one thing.
Ayanokouji gave Kushida the test papers for class D to use, in exchange for 1 favour.
Ayanokouji saw the true side of Kushida.
Kushida knows Ayanokouji.
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I think this was a banger chapter.
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Not much else to say.
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed.

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