Arc 10 chapter 8: Ayanokouji vs Horikita

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"Hello, Ayanokouji-kun. You are currently speaking to Horikita Suzune," said Karuizawa after putting on the headset.

I see. So Horikita intended to speak to me, using Karuizawa as a medium for her words to reach me.

I knew that the rules stated that the commander could only give instructions for half and hour. I started counting, intending to use up every second we had.

"Good afternoon, Horikita. You're doing well, I take it?" I asked.

"Please, let us spare the niceties, Ayanokouji-kun. I may not be able to get you expelled in this exam, but you can trust me when I say I will not stop until you have left of your own volition, or I have removed you myself," said Karuizawa.

"Why do you want me expelled, though?" I asked.

"With you gone, the 'harmony' between the classes will be restored," explained Karuizawa.

"This school exists to host violence. It would not stop with me being expelled," I reasoned.

"True. However, you simply being here risked your life. Who's to say that couldn't happen to an innocent bystander caught in the crossfire of the war between you and Kushida? What would you do if someone decided to use an threaten an innocent person to draw you out. What if one of your allies was targeted in hopes of weakening you and your class?" She asked.

She made many excellent points. It was true, my allies would likely be targeted, and they have been before.

"I would take the action that benefits me most, which would most likely be to give up on said ally, unless it would benefit me more to save them, I said, truthfully.

Karuizawa was slightly stunned at my answer. It was a good solid minute before Horikita gave Karuizawa instructions again. We were down to 24 minutes 58 seconds.

"I see. So you admit it, you see people as nothing but objects, or perhaps tools to be used and discarded at your convenience?" She asked.

"I suppose. At least, that's what I think in the context of this school," I said.

"Then why do you stay here?"

"You know the reason for that. This place is the only place I can be relatively free. I traded one cage with white walls for another that let's me buy as much ice cream as my point balance allows me," I joked.

"Ah, yes. My brother told me of your previous home. Quite a horrible place, really. Fret not, once I graduate, I shall work to destroy that place. I'm sure my brother would help me, also," said Karuizawa.

"Ah, a man and the woman by the surname Horikita working to destroy that which my father built. Sounds rather familiar, doesn't it?" I asked, referencing her parents.

Ryuuen pov

Horikita slammed her fist down on the wall.

It was about 20 minutes before the conversation would be over.

Ayanokouji pov

"You have no right to speak their names," said Karuizawa.

"Ah, so it's not about the violence, is it?" I said, trying to taunt her far enough.

"Stop it," said Karuizawa.

"There's nothing you could've done, after all. You were very young, and so was your brother," I continued pushing.

I made a silent apology to both of the Horikita siblings for disrespecting them in this way.

"It's your fault. If you hadn't been born, they would still be alive," she said.

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