Arc 11 chapter 1: reunion with Kiyo-senpai

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2-A Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
First year results
Academic ability: B (69)
Physical Ability: B (69)
Adaptability: B (69)
Societal contribution: B (69)
Overall ability: B (69)


Our first day back in our second year was met with many revelations: a new rating system, and a new special exam.

From what I had been told, it was like the paper shuffle exam, where 2 students teamed up with one another, except it would cross grade boundaries. All second year students would team up with a first year student, and they must get 500 points between them, or the second year student will be expelled, and the first year student will receive 3 months without private point income.

The winning class will be determined based on each class's average score, which will be derived from the scores of all members of the class and the scores of all their partners. The class point rewards are 50 points, 30, 10 and 0, in descending order of average score.

Private points will be awarded to those who score the most, and expulsion will be awarded to any second year who fails.

Should be easy.

Even if I'm paired up with a student who intentionally scores 0, I should be able to get enough to pass the test without a sweat. The magic number (69) can never let me down.

However, I was concerned about a few of my classmates. Ishizaki, for example, had a high chance of failing. I needed to make sure people like him got good partners.

During lunch, a message was posted to the second year message board. The sender was Honami.

We just got permission to hold a meet-and-greet for first- and second-years in the gym today from 4 to 5 p.m. If you've got time to spare, please drop by!"

The message was a godsend for the students who were struggling to figure out how to get in touch with the first-years.

I texted Ryuuen, who had no doubt seen the message.

We going?

Nah, that's lame. I have a better idea.

Oh? This should be interesting.

Meet me in the first year corridor. We're gonna do some scouting.

I made my way to the floor where the first-year students were—the floor we'd been regularly going to until just last month. There, I met up with Ryuuen. There didn't seem to be many students around, considering that quite a few had gone over to the gym. We looked around and saw several student, from class A through class C. Even though we didn't actually call out to them, when they spotted us and recognised us as upperclassmen, they looked away, as if it were awkward or uncomfortable.

I suppose there was no way we'd be welcomed with open arms all that easily, after suddenly setting foot on the first-years' floor. There were a few students who didn't seem to mind us, but most of them didn't exactly like the uncomfortable awkwardness of having us there. That would probably be the case tomorrow, and the day thereafter, too.

I was sure that some students, trying to find a partner as soon as possible, would approach first-years at all times of the day, both mornings and afternoons. But that was a dangerous gamble that might end up backfiring. Even so, there were students chatting and laughing happily in the first-year classrooms into which we looked. Maybe they felt like there was no need to panic about this special exam. Or perhaps they didn't see it as that big a deal yet.

"Well, it seems like a lot of the students who stayed behind aren't to worried, after all," I said.

Just as we were finishing our inspection of class 1-B, we heard a familiar voice call out to us.

"Hello, Ayanokouji-kun, Ryuuen-kun."

The owner of that voice was none other than Horikita Suzune, from class 2-D. She had gotten a haircut over the spring break. With her was Sudou Ken, who it seems had become her loyal hound, whether she wanted it or not.

"Are you here scouting out first-year students too, Ryuuen-kun? I don't recall seeing you at the meet-and-greet," said Horikita.

"It was just a bunch a moronic half-wits who got together at the gym, right? I didn't even need to go see it to know that," said Ryuuen.

She was probably looking for someone to partner with Sudou, who had an academic rating of E, and was the lowest in our grade. Ryuuen decided to poke the beehive a little. I don't know why, probably just for shits and gigs.

"Anyhow, looks like you've hired yourself a bodyguard. But you chose a dumb one, lady," sneered Ryuuen.

"What'd you say?" Huffed Sudou.

He looked ready to fly off the handle, but Horikita kept him in line with a gentle wave of her hand.

"Oh, do you need brains to be a bodyguard? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, hm?" Said Horikita.

She didn't avert her eyes from Ryuuen as she delivered that comeback, still holding her hand out to keep Sudou back.

"Are you planning on scaring the first-years? I'm afraid that taking that kind of attitude with them is going to backfire on you," said Horikita.

They would certainly shrink back if they saw Ryuuen strutting about like he was the cock of the walk. I was glad we were only doing light reconnaissance.

"I figured if I threatened them a little, they'd immediately agree to cooperate," said Ryuuen.

I stand corrected. It seems we are now intimidating our way to success.

My phone buzzed, indicating that I had received an email. I wondered who it was.

Unknown pov

It was nearly the end of the first day here, and several matches had already been made. Who knew the school would be interesting this fun right off the bat?

Well...I knew, since Akito had given me all the intel for future examinations before I had even enrolled here. But still, it was fun to actually see the action unfolding, right before my eyes.

It was great here. Even though there were still security cameras everywhere, I still felt normal.

I felt free.

But now, it was time to go.

I went to the school building, where he was no doubt already waiting.

When I arrived, the red evening sunlight drifted through the windows. This school was so colourful. Well, anything was colourful compared to those white walls, I suppose.

I saw him, standing at the top of the staircase, with his back turned to me.

It had been well over a year since we had last met, and he had grown slightly. His hair was slightly longer, too.

I knelt at the bottom of the staircase.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Kiyotaka-senpai," I said, my head bowed.

He turned. His gaze hadn't changed at all. It was still as awe inspiring as ever.

"I'm glad you've reached out to me, Ichika," he spoke.

Authors notes
1181 words
Wooo update.
Episode 5 was...interesting.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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