Arc 3 chapter 4: blackout

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We were in the most expensive restaurant on the ship, celebrating the outcome of the past few exams. In the history of this school, not one class had risen to class A so quickly.

It wasn't just the group, either. It was the entirety of class
1-C. The plates had just been cleared, and it was at this point that Ryuuen got up to make a speech, tapping his glass with his fork.

"Fellow classmates. I hope you're all enjoying yourselves."

There were a few cries of approval.

"Good. It was the school administrative that said we weren't deserving of 100% guarantee of further education and employment."

There were a few boos and hisses.

"Well. Who's laughing now? I'll tell you who: it's next terms class 1-A!"

The entire class cheered. A few of them hadn't quite realised the point totals yet, so for some it was a pleasant shock.

"And none of it would have been possible if not for people like Ayanokouji, or Shiina. Maybe even Kaneda." Ryuuen gestured to the 3 of us. Aside from Ryuuen, we were the strategic masterminds behind 1-C. But just because it was true didn't make it any less embarrassing to be singled out. I could tell that Shiina had the same feelings as me. As Ryuuen spoke, Shiina leaned in and whispered to me.

"You know, I didn't realise it before, but Ryuuen is...quite charismatic, isn't he? Charming, even?"

"Yes. I suppose he is."

As we were talking, something unexpected happened.

Hashimoto pov
Damn. How did I get involved with such a crazy bunch of people. All I did was side with the princess, and now I was in the bowels of a cruise ship, looking for the circuit breaker.

Just as I was about to give up, I saw it. I called the group to check that everyone was in place. They gave me the green light.

I opened the circuit breaker and, wearing rubber gloves, started ripping out wires. Sparks started to fly, and I had to get away before anyone saw me. Just then, the lights went off.

Good. The first phase of the plan was a success.

Ayanokouji pov
The lights went out. Immediately, I grabbed Shiina and went to the stage.

"Ryuuen? Ryuuen?" I called.

"I'm here, Ayanokouji." I followed the sound of Ryuuen's voice, and bumped into him.

"Text the chat. Tell them to come to the stage of the restaurant."

I turned my phone light on while he was doing that, revealing a panicked scene in front of me. My classmates were crawling over each other, trying to get to a lifeboat. Didn't they know that just because there was no lights didn't mean that the ship was sinking.

(Disclaimer: I don't know how the fuck boats work, but let's just assume that Ayanokouji is right.)

I then heard a noise behind me. Turning around, I managed to brace myself as a fist flew at my face. I couldn't make out who it was, but it was definitely a boy, and it wasn't powerful enough to be Kouenji, so I assumed it was Kanzaki.

I delivered a kick to his ribs, and then a punch to his throat. Credit to him, he managed to stay standing. I finished it with a roundhouse to his temple, knocking him out.

It was at this moment that I realised I had let go of Shiina's hand at some point.

Shiina pov
"Hello, Shiina." I heard Kushida whisper in my ear.

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