Arc 2 chapter 4: island exam part 3

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"We came here for a vacation, so we're going to have a vacation. I think we should have a massive beach party." Ryuuen said.
The entire class was stunned. I understood the strategy Ryuuen was going for now, and it was a fairly good one.
"B-but, Ryuuen-kun...what about our points? What about the contest?" Kaneda asked, but backed down after a single look from Ryuuen.
"Yeah. I think I saw in this manual somewhere that we could even buy jet-ski's." Ryuuen said.
It was true, I had seen them. They would be a great way of getting from one side of the island to the other, quickly.
Ryuuen left the rest of the class to purchase what they wanted and gathered our "inner-circle".
"Ok guys, listen up. The other classes are going to try something on this island, you can be sure of that." He said.
"But, Ryuuen-san? Don't you think the punishment of them being disqualified would be enough to put them off?" Shiina asked. Oh Shiina, how innocent you are.
"You think that will stop them? And even if they do get punished, it won't undo any damage they do. No, we need to get Kushida and the others out of the competition as soon as possible. They'll probably expect us to play it safe, and try to defend ourselves, or stay in sight of the teachers." He was right, I wouldn't be surprised if Kushida found a sharp object and visited me in my tent during the night.
"Ok then. What's the plan?" Kaneda asked.
"For today, we're going to have fun, and relax. It'll be good for the class to let off some steam and have a real holiday. And then, once we've spent all of our points, everyone can retire."
It was a good plan, if Ryuuen meant we were going to try and find out the leaders as well.
"This is a good plan, Ryuuen. Should we decide who will stay on the island?" I asked.
"Yes. Me and Ayanokouji will, of course, stay on the island. I also think Ibuki, Kaneda and Albert should stay. Everyone else should retire tomorrow." Ryuuen said. A good choice. Albert may have some difficulty moving through the dense jungle, but his sheer strength far outweighed his slow movement.
"Good. Also, Ryuuen, I want to purchase a small screwdriver from the manual." I said.
"What for?"
"So I can open up my watch, remove my GPS tracker, and give it to one of you." The school had said we were forbidden to take the watches off. They didn't say we couldn't remove parts FROM the watch. Besides, why would they put a screwdriver that small into the manual.
"Kukuku, that's some real cunning thinking, Ayanokouji. By giving it to one of us, you not only look as if you're moving around, but should the school require to know where you were, the person with your GPS will be able to testify that you were with them." Ryuuen was bang on the mark. It was a big-brain move. The school could, of course, check the watch.
"To prevent the school finding out about this, on the last day you will give me the GPS tracker, and I will smash the watch. This way, I can get a new watch from the teachers."
Everyone looked at me in silence.
"Wow, Ayanokouji-kun. You really are very smart." Shiina beamed.

The rest of Ryuuen's plan was a little violent, but it was a good strategy. Ryuuen had left a mark on Ibuki's and Kaneda's faces. Although they knew it was painful, they still volunteered for it. Then, Ibuki was sent to follow class D and find out where their base camp was. She would sit near the camp, and wait until someone noticed her, and invited her in. There, she would find out the leader of class D and notify us. Although both Kushida and Kouenji were in the class D camp, Kushida couldn't say anything against her, and Kouenji would probably see it as a waste of his time, if he was still even there. I suspected he'd gone off on his own by now.
Kaneda would do the same for class B. Even though Kanzaki was there, he couldn't dissuade Ichinose and the rest of the class from helping a fellow student, especially one that was hurt.
It would be pointless to try out that strategy for class A. They were too aloof, and were smart enough not to trust anyone who came to them. We still needed to find out their leader however. This is where Ryuuen and I came in. On one of the nights, whilst they were sleeping, we would sneak in and find the keycard. It was an extremely dangerous task, and if we were caught, we might get a 50 point penalty. It was slightly easier than it would've been if Sakayanagi was here, however, since Katsuragi was leading this exam. He would have placed someone from his own faction as the leader, not one of Sakayanagi's cronies, which meant the people that we had to search was less that 50% of the class.
Albert's role was simple: stay on the beach and provide intimidation support if needed.

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