Arc 12 chapter 3: New president | Yamauchi's final adventure.

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"It's been tough to pick my successor. Truly. Many people at this table deserve the title of Student Council President at ANHS. Truly. But who do I pick?" Nagumo said.

The student council had convened to announce me as Nagumo's successor as president, although they didn't know I had been picked yet. They probably still thought it would be one of them. I was outside, waiting for Nagumo to call me in.

I wasn't particularly thrilled with this course of action, if I'm being totally honest. The only reason I agreed was because Nagumo would frame me for the murder of Fuka and Akiko Ikeda, along with all of Kira's other victims.

"Should I pick Ichinose-san, the longest serving first-year of the student council? She is very well respected in all social circles, after all," he said, gesturing to Honami, who blushed.

"Or Horikita-san. Although she's in class D, she's very able in both academics and sports. She's also the head of the newly formed disciplinary committee, which puts her in good standing for a leadership role such as president," he continued, gesturing to Horikita.

"Or should I look for members outside of the student council? Someone like Sakayanagi-san, from class B, would be an excellent choice. She's charismatic, and clever. But I think I can still do better."

The rest of the student council started muttering amongst themselves, wondering who Nagumo was thinking of.

"I ask you to warmly welcome the next President of the Student Council. From class 2-A: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka," he said, giving me the signal to enter the room.

I opened the door, and walked to the head of the table alongside Nagumo. He offered me his hand to shake, which I did.

"Now, I know you may be startled at this decision, but I believe it to be the best course of action. The student council president is traditionally from class A, after all, and I believe Ayanokouji to be a model student of ANHS. I hope you make him feel as welcome as you made me feel upon assuming the mantle of student council president. Ayanokouji, do you have anything you would like to say?" Asked Nagumo, stepping aside.

I sighed. I hated speeches.

"Not much that you have already said, Nagumo-senpai. Although I do not know many of you in the student council, I hope we can cooperate in the future. That is all," I said, bowing.

There were a few polite claps.

"Well, I believe that's all for today, unless there is anything anyone would like to say?"

Nagumo looked around, but no one had anything to contribute.

"Great. You're dismissed," he said.


I was walking back to the dormitories with Ichinose-san. It had become increasingly harder to kill her now. If I killed her in her dorm, her brother would sniff me out straight away, and as the student council president could have me expelled based on his word. If I were to kill her outside, that tail would see. I noticed one time that the figure had fairly sizeable breasts, meaning that they were a woman. Or perhaps a man wearing breast padding so no one would aim at his crotch.

I'd only found out about the death of Fuka Kiryuuin last week. Who knew such weird stuff was going on behind the scenes at this school. At least, with the school headmaster.

Or, should I say, previous headmaster. He was put in prison for undisclosed reasons.

The new director was supposed to be arriving today. I wonder what he's like?


I can't believe I was expelled from ANHS. What a joke. I was supposed to be the best in class D, and they voted me out.

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