Arc 1 chapter 13: a new threat.

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Ah, so that was why she was like this. She grew up alongside me, in the white room.
"Kushida...why? How did you end up in that place?" I asked.
She spat in my face. Right in my left eye.
"Come on now, Kushida. Talk to me." I was worried about Kushida. Being raised in the white room didn't exactly do good things for peoples minds, as evident in Kushida.
"Same as you. My parents gave me up to that man. They wanted me gone, out of their lives. It was just a convenient way to do so." Kushida was scowling at me.
"Hm. And when were you kicked out?"
"I couldn't keep up during the final assessment 6 years ago. I was given back to my parents, but they didn't want me. I was a failure to them. They left me in a backwater orphanage in Tokyo. I haven't seen them since. I hated the orphanage. It was hell."
"More of a hell than the white room?" I asked.
"Heh, you might be right there." Kushida looked away and smiled cynically. I don't know how I hadn't seen it before. It had just been me for the last 2 years. I'd forgotten what the other children looked like. I remembered now, looking into the broken eyes of one of them.
"Kushida...I can help you." I offered. Her face loosened from the scowl that had been there. She looked like she was about to cry. But then, it returned tenfold.
"Go fuck yourself, you weird creep. Or better yet, go to that little slut Kiryuuin. Get away from me." She pushed me off of her, in an unexpected burst of strength. I instantly went to protect my phone. If she managed to delete that recording, my life would be over. He would be able to take away my freedom. I couldn't allow that.
But she didn't. Instead, she looked at me.
"Goodbye, Ayanokouji-kun."
She pulled a kitchen knife from her dorm out of her blazer and was on me in an instant. I barely had enough time to react. I held my arm out, the knife going through my hand. It hurt like hell.
Kushida was breathing heavily, the look in her eyes as violent and unstable as ever. But as soon as my blood started to drip down along the handle and onto her own hands, she retched. She let go of the knife, and placed her bloody hands to her mouth. She ran to the edge of the school roof, and threw up over the side. This went on for a few seconds. After that, Kushida spoke calmly, yet menacingly.
"Mark my words. I'll destroy you. And that man. And the white room. And then you'll serve me, forever."
With that, Kushida brushed past me, and went back downstairs.
It was at this moment I realised that the knife was still stuck inside my hand.

I went back to the dorms, trying to hide the fact that I had a piece of cutlery sticking out of my hand from the cameras and any students I walked past.
I got to the room of the person who was best suited for this situation, and knocked lightly on the door.
There was no answer, so I banged the door with my good fist as hard as I could. I heard a bang from inside, like someone had fallen off of a bed. I then heard an extremely angry shout, and not long after I heard the locks opening. The door opened, revealing the rather unhappy face of Ryuuen Kakeru.
"For fucks sake, Ayanokouji. Why are you waking me up at this time of night?" He was pissed. In response I showed him my hand with the knife in it.
Ryuuen seemed surprised, but at least he didn't faint.
"Shit. Come in them, I think I have some bandages somewhere."
I came in and sat at the table.
Ryuuen had some bandages and medical tape ready and laid out.
He turned to me.
"Ayanokouji, I'm going to put the bandages on, so you'll have to pull the knife out. You think you can do it?" He asked.
"Yeah, I can do it." I said.
"Good then. 3...2...1...NOW!"
I pulled the knife out. Fuck it was so painful. It hurt like a bitch on the way in, but that was nothing compared to the pain I felt now. I almost let it show on my face.
Immediately, Ryuuen put the bandages over my hand, doing his best to put pressure on the wound and staunch the bleeding.
He then stuck the bandages on with the tape, leaned back, and sighed.
"Kukuku, what the hell happened, man?" Ryuuen was finding the situation funny, in a weird way.
"Hah, it was an accident. I was cooking, and dropped the knife on my hand." I lied.
"So, what you actually mean is: someone tried to kill you, you blocked it with your hand, they felt bad about it, and you want to protect them?" Ryuuen had, once again, seen through me.
"*sigh* fine. Yes, but I can't reveal who they are. It would be too damaging in your hands. If anyone is going to blackmail someone for this, it's going to be me, not you." I glared at Ryuuen.
"Jeez, fine, kuku. No need to get angry. If you don't want to tell me, I won't pester." Ryuuen smirked.
"Good. Anyway, I should get back to my room. Goodnight, Ryuuen." I went to leave.
"Good night, Ayanokouji."
I shut the door behind me.
I got back to my room, and fell onto the bed.

I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and left. I bought some juice from the lobby's vending machine and headed back for the elevator. But instead of going back to my room, I went somewhere else.
I knocked on Fuka's door.

Unknown pov
I was surprised. I didn't think someone would call a meeting like this.
To the left of me was the student-council president, Horikita Manabu, and his sister, Suzune.
Next to them was the infamous narcissist, Kouenji Rokusuke. And next to him was one of the leader's of class A, Sakayanagi Arisu, daughter of the schools director.
"Thank you all for coming," a voice said. It wasn't a voice I had heard before, at least I don't remember hearing it.
"C'mon now, pretty girl. A perfect existence like myself can't be kept waiting forever. Say what you have to say."
Kouenji, as charming and considerate as ever, took the words right out of my mouth.
"Hm. Very well. The demon of the 4th generation is attending ANHS." With that, the voice stepped into the light.
It was those eyes. It was those same eyes I remembered seeing, all those years ago.
"Fufufu, so the angel of class D is actually a half-formed demon that man created. How amusing." Sakayanagi laughed.
"Why did you call us here, Kushida," Horikita spoke.
"Don't take that tone with me, you fucking bitch. I'm sticking my neck out here for you lot. The reason I called you all here is because you either were part of the white room's regime at one point, or you have knowledge of it."
I fell in to that first category. I didn't think that either of the Horikita siblings had knowledge of the white room.
"Manabu, I trust you have heard of the white room. You're family tried to oppose it at one point, didn't they? And what happened to your parents?" Kushida asked.
"H-he killed them." For the first time I had ever seen, Manabu's steely façade started to crack.
"Onii-san, what is she talking about? What is this white room." Suzune asked, worriedly.
"Don't worry, Suzune, I'll fill you in. Later." Manabu said.
"And what do you want from us, Kushida." I asked.
"Well well, look who finally decided to talk. I haven't seen you since I left. I gather you left not soon after. You barely passed that assessment during our 6th year.
She was right, I scored the lowest during that, and I was kicked out the following year, 5 years ago.
"Ho ho, you still haven't told us why we are here yet, two-face." Kouenji laughed.
Kushida glared at him.
"We are going to destroy the demon. I can't do this alone. Sakayanagi?"
"Fufufu, finally, my chance has come to bury the false genius." Sakayanagi giggled.
"Ho ho, I suppose even a perfect existence like myself would be challenged against demon boy. I'll join you." Truly, his arrogance knew no bounds.
"I-I'll do whatever nii-san wants."
"Fine then. Manabu?"
"No. As student council president, I have to remain impartial. Should I find any of your actions against this boy to be illegal, I will not hesitate to get the police involved."
Manabu smirked.
Kushida turned to me.
"And what about you, Kanzaki?"

Authors notes
1521 words
Yeah in this fic the fan-theory that Kanzaki was in the white room is canon.
Manabu and Suzune have a slightly more normal brother/sister relationship than in the ln.
Kouenji and Sakayanagi know of the white room's existence.
Manabu is torn between the anti-white room group and helping Ayanokouji.
Not much else to say
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed.

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