Arc 1 chapter 10: May the fourth be with you!

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"Are you free for lunch? Do you want to eat together?"
During our break, Kiryuuin called me.
"Sure. Where should I meet you?" I asked.
"I'm waiting outside the cafeteria now." She said.
"I'll meet you there."
"Stay cute, Ayanokouji."
"A-ah, too, Kiryuuin." I said nervously.

"Ah, there you are, Ayanokouji." Kiryuuin patted me on the back when she saw me, and kept her arm over my shoulder.
"Hello, Kiryuuin. How are you?" I asked.
"I'm good. How did you find May 1st?" Kiryuuin looked at me curiously.
"Well, it certainly wasn't boring. I'm still in class 1-C." I said.
"Well, does it matter? You're having lunch with a pretty girl, after all." She flashed me a smile.
"I suppose it isn't all bad." I try my best to smile back.
"You're damn right it isn't. What do you want?" She asked.
"I'll get a special meal set. What'll you have?"
"I'll have the sushi."
Kiryuuin reached for her phone to pay, but I grabbed her arm.
"I'll pay." I said.
Kiryuuin smiled.
"I like a man who takes charge." She said.

We sat down and started to eat.
"Now, Kiryuuin. I would like to talk business, if you don't mind?" I asked
"What kind of business?" Kiryuuin was intrigued. I suspected she already knew what I was going to ask.
"I need the first midterm papers for last year, and the pop quiz you took on April 30th last year." I said.
"Well well. It seems my interest was not misplaced in you. Fine, but it'll cost you." She was impressed.
"I think I already paid you." I said
"Paying for my lunch isn't enough, Ayanokouji." Damn, I'd have thought she would go for it.
"Then, how many points do you want?" I asked.
"Haha, I don't want something as superficial as points. No. In two days time, they will be showing an old movie at the cinema. I would like you to accompany me." She demanded.
"Oh. I thought I was going to have to pay you. I didn't expect to be rewarded," I said, smirking.
"Now now, keep it in your pants, Ayanokouji." Kiryuuin teased me.
"S-sorry, Kiryuuin." I apologised, a little embarrassed.
"Don't be sorry. In truth, I like it when you talk to me like that. It makes a change from the dull boy I played chess with. When you talk like that, you remind me of the boy who almost completely figured out the s system on the first day." Kiryuuin looked into my eyes.
I stared back, trying my best not to look emotionless.
"Ayanokouji, from now on I want you to call me Fuka." She said, suddenly. Weren't girls supposed to be really iffy about people using their first names? I decided not to question it.
"Ok, Fuka." The name sounded good to say.
"And in return, will you allow me to call you Kiyotaka?" She asked, trying to do her best Kushida face.
(That just means puppy eyes)
"Of course. I wouldn't want to feel left out, now, would I?"
"Heh, you really are an interesting person, Kiyotaka. Don't worry, I'll get those past papers for you. I'll give them to your on our date." She got up and walked off. As I watched her go, I saw her wink and blow a kiss at me. I'd never been so embarrassed in my entire life, and I felt a few boys give me the 'you're dead to me' look.
Damn, Fuka. You'll be the death of me.
I messaged Ryuuen
I've initiated the first stage of my plan. I'm just waiting for the test papers to be delivered to me.

Good. This is good work. Tell me when you have them.

Thanks. I will.

May 4th
Today was my date with Fuka. It was early evening, and I noticed it was fairly warm tonight.
"Ah, there you are, Kiyotaka." I heard Fuka's voice behind me.
"Hello Fuka. You look nice this evening." I said.
It was true. She wore jeans, which was an unusual difference from her usual short skirt and tights combo. She wore a blue jumper.
"Well, look who's trying to flatter their senpai." She grinned cheekily.
"Shall we go then?" I asked.
"Sure. Do you know the way to the cinema?" She looked to me for confirmation.
"Yes, I do."
"Lead the way then, Kiyotaka." She said. I found that I liked it when she called me by my first name. It made me feel good inside.

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