Arc 6 chapter 5: mending a fracture

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So, the paper shuffle exam. This would be troublesome. I'd probably be able to pass, at least if my partner wasn't too stupid.

As I was lost in thought, I bumped into someone.

"Ah, I'm sorry, are you..." I started to apologise, but when I looked up, I was looking at the face of Ryuuen Kakeru, the tyrant of class A. Instantly, I was on edge.

"No, it's fine. Am I right in thinking that you are Chiaki Matsushita of class 1-D?" He asked.

That was surprising. How did he know who I was?

"Um, yes...why do you ask?" I asked.

"Kukuku, well, I'm here to inquire on the contract between you and Ayanokouji. And before you start, don't play dumb, I already have it from a reliable source," he said.

Bam. Instantly I wanted to start running. Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had become something of an enigma to the rest of the school, due to the fact that he and Kikyou Kushida, a girl from my class, started there absences on the same day in September, and no one in the school had seen hide nor hair of them since. It's kinda spooky.

"Well, Ayanokouji asked me to help him in exchange for transferring me to class A. How far are you on that, by the way?" I asked anxiously.

I wanted to transfer as soon as possible. While I was in class D, who knows when I might get expelled?

"Well, I'm not going to give you an exact number, but we're over 10 million already," he confirmed.

Smart. By not revealing exactly how much he had, he could make me wait as long as he thought necessary.

"Anyway, what did you want?" I asked.

"Well, funny you should ask. I would like to offer class D my assistance on this exam," he offered.

I didn't like this.

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"No catch, per se. I'm going to be honest, I don't think my class will pull through this exam without one or two pairs being expelled. I want to avoid that at all cost. I would have used 20 million if I had it, but even if I did, Ayanokouji made a deal with you, so I couldn't," he said.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Well, first we'll trade questions. And then, you'll give me the answers to your class's questions, and I'll give you the answers to my questions. The next part is entirely up to you. Class A can intentionally let class D win the overall scoring by deliberately scoring lower. Or we can provide you with false answers, and Class A's allowance increases, ergo you get to class A quicker. Each choice is not without its merits and demerits," he said.

Hmm...intriguing. If I let class A win by giving false answers to my classmates, it would ruin my reputation within the class. I would be an outcast, but it wouldn't take as long for me to transfer to class A. On the other hand, if I let class D win by telling Class A to intentionally score low, it would damage Class A's point gain, and I wouldn't be able to transfer as quickly, but my classmates' faith in me would be bolstered.

There was a third option, however...

"Well, about this: we trade answers, and we both do the best we can. That way, it's unlikely either of our classes will fail, and my reputation within my class wouldn't be damaged by giving false answers," I proposed.

"Kukuku, you're gonna leave it up to chance? You're crazier than I gave you credit for. All right, I'll settle for that. Do we have a deal?" He asked, offering his hand for me to shake.

"May the best class win," I said, shaking his hand.

Unknown POV

"Mutter mutter mutter...eheheh...KILL HIM...heheh, got him, got to...kill him...I hate him, but...hahahaha I love him,"

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