Arc 11 chapter 2: Gorira! Banana!

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The situation took a sudden, unexpected turn near the end of our lunch break on the next day. Something happened after we had finished eating our lunches, while we sat in our classroom, casually waiting for our afternoon classes to begin.

"H-hey! Dudes! Some first-years are headed this way!" Shouted one of my classmates, Miyamoto.

This special exam depended on first- and second-year students working together. You'd think this wouldn't be such a surprising development, but apparently, that wasn't the case.

"Wow, they must be awfully brave to come up to the upperclassmen's floor," said Hirata, while I mulled things over in my head. "I mean, if we decided to head up to the third-year's floor, we'd have to be very careful not to make a fuss."

"Yeah, that's true..."

It would be a different story if you had a lot of close friendships with your senpai, but for this year's batch of new students, that wasn't the case. Many of them must have felt like they were venturing into enemy territory. I supposed that in that sense, some of them showing up like this might actually be an event that merited surprise.

Hirata said he was going to check it out. Horikita and Sudou followed right after him. I decided to go and see who was brave enough to come to the second-year classrooms without invitation.

I froze.

It was Houzen. Shit.

The guy just let out an intense aura. One of intimidation. He walked confidently down the centre of the hall on our floor. The other second-year students in the hall avoided him, walking at the edges of the hallway. Which seemed like the opposite of what you'd normally expect.

Following a little way behind him was a girl. Horikita, realising that they weren't simply here for partners, stepped out in front of Houzen to block his path. Sudou stuck close to her.

I had to give it to her, she was pretty ballsy. Even with Sudou, and her above average physical abilities, I don't think they could take down Houzen. She was either brave, confident, plain stupid, or a mixture of the three.

"Who's this chick?" Asked Houzen.

"Please wait a moment...I've found it," said the girl.

After fiddling with her phone for a short while, she showed him her screen.

"Class 2-D. Horikita Suzune. Academic ability A-, huh?" Said Houzen, gruffly.

The girl spoke in a rather polite tone of voice, unlike Houzen, which made them seem like quite the odd combination. They then directed their gazes over at Sudou, who was standing beside Horikita. And just like before, the girl showed Houzen her phone screen.

"Sudou Ken...Heh." After looking at Sudou's data, the guy let out a mocking snort.

"Hello, my name is Nanase, from class 1-D. He's from the same class. This is—"

"Houzen," he said, interrupting her.

My ears picked up at the name Nanase. So, she must be Nanase Tsubasa.

A strange coincidence, that 2 of the 6 students that Kiyotaka Ayanokouji seemingly wanted to harm had started working together a few days after term started. So strange, that it just didn't feel like a coincidence at all.

What had my uncle gotten me in to?

First he tells me I need to protect these 6 students, one of which I don't think needs any protection whatsoever, and now I find that they either already know each other, or perhaps that someone has pushed them together.

I wouldn't be surprised, if that was the case, if I saw Utomiya Riku and Tsubaki Sakurako, the two students of class 1-C, wandering around together.

Houzen, Nanase, Sudou, Horikita and Hirata had started a rather heated conversation, and Sudou was getting pretty agitated. I had missed the first part of the conversation due to my confusion with the situation.

From what I gathered, Houzen wanted US to ask HIM for our two classes to team up. I suppose he wanted to be seen as the one with the power, or something like that.

Horikita and Sudou were talking between themselves, when Houzen suddenly thrust his large hand forward against Sudou's chest and shoved him.


In the next instant, Sudou lost his balance, falling backward, landing on his hands.

"Ha, only thing big about you is your height, loser. Just a little tap was all it took?" Sneered Houzen.

What Houzen just did was so reckless that even the other second year students watching the situation couldn't hide their unease. Considering how dramatic the action had been, it wouldn't have been surprising for it to be seen as an act of violence. If you understood how difficult and risky it was to try and do something violent in this school, you couldn't do it.

We'd thought this year's batch of new students were more familiar with how things worked at this school than students from previous years.

Maybe they actually didn't understand the school as well as we thought they did? No, it didn't seem like that was the case. If so, then...


Sudou, having regained his composure and realised what had just been done to him, he let his pent-up anger explode at once. He punched Houzen in the face, right on the nose.

Houzen reeled slightly, blood spewing from the blow, an explosion of red coming from the impact.

The corridor was still, silent due to what Sudou had just done.

That punch would have been enough to knock any normal person out, but Houzen just stumbled slightly.

"Heh. You got some balls, Senpai," Houzen muttered.

There was still a deafening silence.

Houzen spat a large glob of bloody phlegm on the floor, which went on a nearby girls shoes and tights. He then bent his broken nose back into shape, and grinned.

"Wrong choice," he said, moving forward quickly.

He was quick, and punched Sudou in the gut with all his power. Sudou had barely enough time to prepare for the blow, and his feet actually left the ground from the impact, and was launched back, hitting the wall.

"Hey, that's my friend you just punched!" Yelled a third-year, the president of the basketball club, who just happened to be passing by when the commotion began.

"And? What are you gonna do about it?" Mocked Houzen.

The third-year gestured to his friends behind him, who were also part of athletic clubs. There were five of them in total.

"You really think you can beat all of us? You're alone," said one of the third-years.

"Alone? I wouldn't say that. C'mon out, boys," said Houzen.

At his words, a few athletic looking first-years, who I assumed were from class 1-D, came up behind Houzen.

Houzen cracked his knuckles.

"Now it's a good ol' five-versus-five!" Exclaimed Houzen.

The started walking towards the first-years.

Shit. This is gonna get messy.

My phone buzzed. I looked at the sender.

It was my uncle.

Be ready to await further instructions.

Authors notes
1174 words
Woohoo update after almost a month.
I don't have to retake any of my exams 🥳.
This arc is gonna play VERY different to the ln, as I'm sure you can guess.
The true elites finally got updated again, go check it out it's amazing, way better than the crap I write XD.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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