Arc 11 chapter 4: big brain strats.

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(A/N in the last chapter I accidentally referred to Ryuuen and Ayanokouji's class as 2-C, when they are in fact 2-A. Sorry about that)

"Hey, Ichinose-san. Does everyone in our class have a partner?" Asked Amikura

"No, not yet, but more than half of us do. It will only be a matter of time before—"

I and a few of my classmates were walking and talking about the upcoming special exam outside the school building on our way to lunch.

Suddenly, the doors of the school building flew open behind us with a large slamming noise.

We turned around, to see a large gaggle of students, punching and kicking at each other. At the forefront of this crowd were Ryuuen, no surprise, and a first-year who was called Kazuomi Houzen.

At first, I was too shocked to speak.

Then I started to move my legs forwards.

"Stop..." I said, quietly.

Of course, no one heard me.

"Stop this at once!" I shouted.

I grabbed the arm of one of the boys.

"Butt out, Ichinose!" He said, and pushed me away.

I lost my balance, and fell over.

"HEY!" A familiar voice yelled.

I looked over to see Kiyotaka, face contorted in anger.

"That's my sister you asshole!" Said Kiyotaka, walking towards him.

"No, Kiyo, don't..." I tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Kiyotaka kicked the boy in the face, punched him in the stomach, and pushed him into the middle of the fighting, where he was quickly swallowed by people who had found an easy target to take out their frustrations on.

"Are you alright, Honami?" He asked, holding his hand out to help me up.

I slapped his hand away.

"Does everything need to be solved with violence, Kiyotaka? Why couldn't you stay out of it? Look at you, you're covered in blood, and none of it's even your own!" I shouted.

I had had enough of him.

I stood up, brushed myself off, and walked to the directors office. I could go to an ordinary teacher, but the director had the power to mobilise a larger force of teachers, and break up the fight easier.

When I got to the directors office, I knocked on the door.

"Enter," the voice inside spoke.

I opened the door.

"Acting director, you must come to the front of the school building at once. A large fight has broken out, and nearly a hundred students are involved," I explained.

"I know," he said.

"Oh, so you're in the process of mobilising campus security and going to break up the fight, then?" I asked.

I was surprised. I didn't think that he would have heard about the fight that quickly.

"Aha, no...silly girl, I instigated this fight, you see," the acting director said, with a sickeningly sweet smile.


"Oh, didn't your dear brother tell you who I am? I work for your dear daddy, you know."

I stepped back, and tried to walk out the door, but two security guards blocked my way.

"You see, mr Ayanokouji has decided that bringing his son back isn't enough for him. Now, he wants his daughter back as well. Loose ends and all that. We can't have you running your mouth," he said.


The fighting had reached a crescendo. Now, at least half of the school was involved. Whenever someone saw the commotion, they would either start recording, or join in on the melee. A few select people ran away, such as myself.

I don't like violence. I never had. The sight of blood was almost enough to make me sick.

So I ran. I decided to run towards the special annex building, as I doubted the fighting would reach there.

As I turned the corner, I bumped into a student.

I fell backwards.

"Are you okay, miss?" He asked offering his hand.

"Y-yes, I'm fine..." I said. I looked up at him, and my heart fluttered slightly.

He was really handsome. He wasn't wearing a blazer, and his muscles were really toned. His face was also gorgeous. He was way more attractive than Nagumo, who all the girls in my year seem to fawn over.

I took his hand. Just touching it gave me shivers.

"Were you trying to escape the fighting, senpai? I was too," he said.

So he dislikes violence? Admirable.

"Y-yes, I've never been one for violence," I said.

"Well, that makes two of us. C'mon, we should go inside. Don't want to get caught up," he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me inside the building.

"What's your name, senpai?" He asked.

"I-I'm Akiko Ikeda. W-what's your name?" I asked, walking alongside him.

"Me? Oh, I'm Akira Yanagi," he said.

Luckily, there was no one in the building, so no one could get the wrong idea about me and Yanagi. Not that I would mind. He was really cute.

🔪 🩸


Now, something was definitely wrong.

The 5 students who Ichika had told me were sent by Akito to expel me had singled me out in the fighting, and pushed me away from the main group.

I was fending off blows from all sides. I had recovered from my time on the school rooftop, and now I think I was even stronger than before. I was able to deflect any attack they threw at me, but I was still getting pushed back.

Behind me, I heard a slow, rhythmic clapping.

I turned to see Akito, alongside a force of burly security guards.

"Well well, Kiyotaka-kun. It seems we come to the end of our play," he said.

I couldn't help but agree. I managed to take on the five children behind me, but I couldn't take on a large group of highly-trained professionals.

No...there's still one thing I can do.

"Director seems you are forgetting the one thing I can do," I said.

"W-what?" He asked, confused.

"It's a simple technique, but quite unbeatable for someone with my speed," I said, taking a fighting stance.

"Stand ready, men," Akito ordered. The group behind him also took on fighting stances.

"You can't beat this. You'll be too slow," I said.

It was time.

I turned to my left, and ran started running.


(Haha jojo reference LUL KEKW)

authors notes
1055 words
Cool chap I hope
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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