Arc 1 chapter 7: Dining with a queen.

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After leaving class, I went straight toward the dormitory.
Just outside the classroom, I saw Kushida. She appeared to be waiting for someone while leaning up against the wall. Noticing me, she smiled like always.
"I'm so glad! I was waiting for you, Ayanokouji-kun. There's something I wanted to talk to you about. Do you have a minute?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure..."
She couldn't be confessing her feelings for me, could she? Nah, there was about a 1 percent chance of something like that. Besides, I already had someone I was interested in. I didn't want to mess things up by going out to dinner with her whilst already dating someone else.
"I'll just ask you outright. Ayanokouji-kun, have you seen Horikita-san smile even once?"
"Huh? No, not that I can remember."
Thank goodness, she had come to talk about Horikita. Thinking back, I didn't recall ever seeing Horikita smile even once. Kushida took my hand in hers, closing the distance between us.
"Woah, Kushida. What are you doing?" I didn't want to be seen with Kushida touching me like this. Some of the boys in our year would have a fit, or try to kill me. Perhaps even both.
"What do you mean? I want to become friends with Horikita-san," she said.
"Well, ok. Sorry, I lashed out a little their." I apologised. I don't know why, but I still didn't trust Kushida. Something about her seemed off. No matter her expression, her eyes always stayed the same.
"It's fine, Ayanokouji-kun, I understand. I have no concept of personal space, and I sometimes forget others are rather sensitive when it comes to that kind of thing." Kushida said.
"Anyway, regarding Horikita: I think she guesses your feelings. At first, a lot of people tried reaching out to her, but now you're the only one."
"You seem to know Horikita-san pretty well, Ayanokouji-kun."
"It's not like I'm close to her or anything. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've spoken to her since the first day of school."
Kushida looked a little crestfallen.
"Didn't you try to ask her for her contact information last time? How did it go?" I asked.
I knew that Horikita didn't mince words. If Kushida had approached her, she would've responded harshly.
"She rejected me." Kushida said, frowning.
"Well, if she rejected you already, I don't know what you can say to her to get her to accept you."
"Won't me?" She asked.
I didn't answer right away. For pretty much anyone else besides Kushida and Horikita, I would have offered help. But I didn't want to for two reasons:
1) Horikita wanted to be left alone. Kushida, and everyone else for that matter, had to respect that.
2) I still didn't trust Kushida. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt as though I'd seen her eyes somewhere before. And if I'd seen her eyes before, that meant she was dangerous, considering the only eyes I'd seen before coming here belonged to people from that place.
"I understand how you feel, Kushida, but..."
"So that means... you can't?"
She did the best she could to plead for my help, but to no avail. Who Horikita's friends were wasn't my business.
"Yeah. I'm sorry, Kushida, but if Horikita doesn't want to be your friend, there's not much that you or I can do about it."
Kushida was upset, but she put on a brave face.
"It's ok Ayanokouji-kun. Maybe I'll try and find someone else who can help me." She said.
Didn't she listen to me? I said she shouldn't persist, not find someone else to help her. Ah well, if Horikita ends up punching her, I just hope someone gets a video.
"Bye Ayanokouji-kun." Kushida walked off, waving at me.
"Bye, Kushida-san."

Well, this was it. Saturday, 21:00, outside the dorms. I was waiting for Kiryuuin to come and pick me up for dinner.
I had spent some points on some new clothes. I had read somewhere that the clothes made the man. Whatever that meant.
"Ah, Ayanokouji-kun."
I turned around to see my date.
She was beautiful. She wore her hair down as always, with her signature headband adorning her scalp. I noticed she was wearing almost no makeup. I'd heard that girls usually wore makeup to special occasions like this. To be honest, quite a few girls in my class wore makeup just for everyday life. I'd have thought Kiryuuin would have put some on for something like this. Although, she was naturally beautiful without makeup as well. She didn't need it.
Her dress was simple and a dark grey. One would've thought the colour rather drab, but it contrasted nicely with her platinum blond hair. The dress wasn't extremely revealing, but it looked a little tight. I could see the way her waist curved downwards to her hips, and her breasts, slightly larger than average, were hard not to look at.
"Haha, my eyes are up here, Ayanokouji," she smirked.
"Ah, s-sorry, Kiryuuin-senpai." I apologised, bowing slightly.
"No need to apologise. If anything it's a compliment I suppose," her eyes flashed in the light of the nearby street lamp cheekily.
"Well, you do look good tonight, Kiryuuin-senpai," I tried my best to compliment her.
"Why thank you, Ayanokouji. And please, don't use honorifics. I don't care much for them." She said.
"Well then. Shall we go, Kiryuuin?" I asked.
"Yes. I'll lead the way, as I doubt you'd know the restaurant we're going to." She said.
What was that supposed to mean

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