Arc 4 chapter 3: conspiracies

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We had just finished todays training

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We had just finished todays training. I had trained with Kaneda. He was absolutely unbelievably scrawny; there was no muscle on him at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he scored dead last in the whole tournament.

That didn't bother me though. He could handle the penalty of ten points off of an exam.

I was halfway to the dormitories now. I decided to call someone.

I dialled the number, and let it ring. They picked up fairly quick.

"Hello? Who is this?" She asked.

"Is this Ichinose Honami?" I asked.

"Yeah. Ayanokouji-kun, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me." I was surprised she knew who I was just by listening to my voice, even though we'd only talked a few times briefly before.

"Oh, well then, what did you need?" She asked.

"I need the contact information of 2 girls you know. Don't worry, it's not for anything weird, I just wanted to talk to them about something that happened a little while ago." I decided not to beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

"Hm. That's a pretty strange request, Ayanokouji-kun. You'll forgive me if I ask why, right?" She was concerned, which was fair enough.

"I understand your concern. I will only be giving them a phone call, nothing else. I just need to check something with them. I hope you understand, but it's a private matter." I explained.

"Hmm. I suppose there shouldn't be any problem with that. After all, I don't think you're the type to be a creeper or anything. Fine, who did you want?"

"Shiranami Chihiro of class 1-C, and Chiaki Matsushita of class 1-D."


I texted Shiranami and Matsushita.

Hello. I am a fellow student trying to look out for our class. I would like to meet with you. I have a plan for the upcoming sports festival that I need your help with. I understand if you're hesitant, but I really need your help. I hope you can forgive me. By the way, if you're wondering how I got your contact information, Ichinose gave it to me. Please meet me behind the dorms at 20:00 tomorrow. I understand if you decide not to come.

Now, I just had to cross my fingers and hope they would turn up. I was confident that Chihiro would, at least.

20:00 the next day

I was waiting for Chihiro and Matsushita. I waited for 10 minutes, and I decided they weren't coming. As I went to leave, I heard a voice.

"U-um, excuse me? Did you want to meet me here?"

I turned around, and I saw Chihiro.

"Um. You're not in my class. Why did you call me here?" Another voice came from the distance. I could make out Chiaki Matsushita walking towards me.

"Ah, good, you're both here. First, I want to say thank you for trusting me. You won't regret this." I said.

"What did you want?" Matsushita asked.

"I'll be blunt. I want your class participation tables. Please, don't leave." Matsushita was about to walk off, and then stopped.

"Do you know how crazy that sounds?" She asked.

"Yes, which is why I'll explain. Matsushita, you will give me the participation table for class 1-D, and submit another table that I have made before the competition. If you do this, I can guarantee you a spot in my class." I offered.

She looked stunned. She thought for a moment.

"Hm. On one condition." She said.


"In at least one event that I participate in, you will make sure I win by matching me up with unathletic students. And you will sign a contract allowing me to be transferred to your class." She said.

Currently, 2 students wanted to transfer to class 1-A: Katsuragi and Matsushita. 40,000,000 private points would be required for this. 820,000 private points were going into the class bank each month, which meant it would take nearly 40 months to transfer both students. We would have to increase our point gain, but it wasn't impossible.

"Fine. I will see to it. You have my word I will transfer you to class 1-A if you give me the participation table for class 1-D and replace it with a participation table I create, in which I will give you an advantage in one competition." I said, while Matsushita recorded me. Once she was satisfied, she turned around and left.

"Ayanokouji. I expect this festival to be entertaining." She said, giggling a little.

I turned towards Chihiro.

"Um, I w-won't betray my class, if that's what you're wondering." She said, defiantly.

"Of course you won't. But what if I said I could get Ichinose to notice you?" I said.

She froze. Unbeknownst to her, I had seen Chihiro looking at Ichinose strangely multiple times. I had deduced it was some kind of attraction, because she sometimes didn't look unlike Kushida whenever she did something weird to me.

She looked down. I could only see her mouth, which had turned into a slight scowl.

"How...did you know?" She said.

"That doesn't matter. Will you do it?" I asked.

She looked at me with dead eyes. For a moment, I thought I had found another white room subject, but no. Our eyes were similar, but were forced upon us because of the trauma we had endured. Chihiro's gaze was born of a deep and dark obsession, probably an infatuation with Ichinose.

"Yes. I'll do it. But if you tell anyone, you'll be sorry." She said, walking away. She didn't look back. I didn't even need to bribe her with a spot in class A.

A few moments passed, and my next meeting arrived.

"Ayanokouji. Are we alone?" Said Katsuragi.

"Yes, don't worry." I calmed him.

"Good. What did you want then?" He asked.

"I want you to give me the participation table for class A, and then submit another table that I create. If you comply, your spot in class A is secured." I said.

He thought for a moment.

"Ok, I will. But answer me this first: if you're going to submit a table of your own, why do you need the old one?" He asked.

"By seeing the old table, I'll know which students your class thinks are strong in the competition you put them down for. Then, I'll know which students to try and keep out of the competition." I explained.

Katsuragi, seemingly satisfied, walked off.

"You're certainly very intelligent, Ayanokouji. I wonder why you weren't placed in class A from the beginning."

That was something I wondered sometimes. There were students in class A with worse social skills, athletic prowess or academic ability than me, even when I was pretending to be less than I was. A prime example was Yahiko Tatsuka. That kid rivalled Yamauchi of class D in uselessness, and yet he was judged to be class A material. This school certainly had a strange way of sorting students, one that I think I would never figure out.

Authors notes
1179 words.
Quick update, I know. Please, keep your pants dry.
Interclass conspiracies 💹
Introduction of Matsushita, the princess herself.
I was reading through the school database page on the wiki, and I noticed something strange about Chihiro's report, which is why I picked her as the class B traitor.
Katsuragi is already in with Ayanokouji. This is just part of the deal they'd already established
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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