Arc 2 chapter 2: the island exam part 1

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"Well then. We shall commence the current academic year's first special test."
"Huh? Special test? I thought they were acting a bit weird."
Almost everyone in our class had the same variation on that statement. We'd all noticed the things the teachers were doing, and how it didn't look like much of a holiday. Our summer vacation was a product of the school's goodwill, but that had been an illusion. We plummeted from relief into stark tension.
"The test commenced now and lasts for one week, concluding on August 7th at the year's end. This test will determine if you can live on a deserted island together as a group. In addition, I should warn you that this special test is both practical and realistic, designed based on real-world corporate training."
"Living on a deserted island. Does that mean we're not staying on the boat, but the island?"
Some students from class B and C voiced their obvious concerns.
"You are correct. During the test, you will not be allowed to board the ship without a suitably justifiable reason. It will be necessary for you to fend for yourselves on this island while you are here, from creating a place to sleep to preparing the food to eat. Once the test starts, each class will receive two tents, and two flashlights. You will be provided with one box of matches. There is no limit to the amount of sunscreen you can have. Each student will be provided with one toothbrush. As a special case, girls will be allowed to have as many feminine sanitary products as they'd like, without any restrictions. Please ask your respective homeroom teachers for those. That is all."
With that, the teachers began distributing the items.
"You may think that this is unbelievable, but that's because you've lived a short, superficial life. There is an actual, prominent company that holds training sessions on uninhabited islands."
Many of the students appeared unconvinced and wore dissatisfied looks.
"I assume you're all thinking something like, 'what does this test mean?' Or perhaps some of you doubt the existence of such training programs. However, students who remain at such a base level of thought are unlikely to become anyone promising in the future. What is your basis for determining this to be 'unbelievable' or 'ridiculous'? You're just students. In my opinion, you're all equally worthless. What kind of insignificant person determines that they can criticise a leading company? That's bizarre. Were you a president in charge of one such notable business, then you might have some right to deny our claims. However, there shouldn't be any grounds for someone here to be able to do that."
As we listened, we did certainly determine that parts sounded unreasonable or unrealistic. But, just like Mashima-sensei had said, we had no basis to oppose their claims. Those who found this beyond the realm of their understanding could call it "bizarre" or "unbelievable" but for someone who did understand the point, well, it would be absurd to think otherwise.
"But teacher, isn't this supposed to be our summer vacation? We were brought here under the pretext of going on a relaxing trip. Don't you think the at bringing us here and then springing this corporate training on us could be considered unfair?"
Some of the students from class D began to protest along these lines.
"I see. I suppose that you're not wrong about that. I can understand why you would be discontented."
Mashima-sensei's response showed that he recognised the soundness of such an argument. There were students who were dissatisfied with the current situation, and those who were dissatisfied with the process as a whole.
"However, please do not worry. It would make sense for you to have complaints if you were being forced into a harsh situation. However, even though we're calling it a special test, there's no need to think about it in such unhappy terms. In the coming week, you can go swimming, or hold a barbecue. It wouldn't be a bad time for you to occasionally have a campfire and chat with friends, either. The theme of the special exam is 'freedom', after all"
"Huh? Huh? The theme is freedom? We can have a barbecue? And this is still called a test? I'm so confused..."
Even though this was a test, we were free to play. The contradiction confused the students, and our doubts only increased.
"As a major part of this special test, we've decided to distribute 300 points to each class. By using your points well, you might be able to enjoy this week's special test just as you would a normal trip. We've also prepared a manual just for that purpose."
Mashima-sensei received a booklet that looked to be a few dozen pages thick from another teacher.
"This manual lists all of the ways you can obtain points. It also explains where to get drinking water and food, as well as essential necessities. If you wanted to have a barbecue, it also explains how to prepare the equipment and ingredients. We also have numerous tools for you to enjoy playing in the ocean to the fullest."
Gradually, the students' grim expression grew calmer.
"So, we can do whatever we want with true 300 points?"
"That's right. It's possible to arrange for anything using your points. Of course, it's necessary for you to use them in a systematic way, but with a solid plan, you can spend your week without any difficulties."
If we could really get through this week by using the points we had, then this would be more like a vacation than a test. It might end up being a real summer vacation.
"B-but teacher. You said this was a test, right? So shouldn't there be some kind of difficulty to it?"
"No, there's nothing difficult. It won't even have any adverse effects on your second semester. I guarantee it."
"So, it's really okay for us to just have fun for one week?"
"That's right. You're all free to do what you want. Of course, there are some bare minimum rules that you need to abide by as a group, but there shouldn't be anything difficult about that."
If that were true, then that meant there really was no risk? In that case, we should ask if he could explain the purpose of this test. Was it linked to some kind of exchange between grade levels? I couldn't understand the school's true intentions, but Mashima-sensei's next words clarified everything.
"When this special test period is over, each class' remaining points will be added to their total class points. Your point totals will reflect this change once summer vacation is over."
As he spoke, a gust of wind blew across the beach and kicked up a cloud of dust.
Mashima-sensei's words were the greatest shock of the day. In previous examinations, they'd measured things like our academic abilities. Naturally, this was advantageous for students with a fundamentally high level of academic ability. However, the rules were completely different this time. This test was designed in a way that didn't create too much of a gap between the classes.
"So if we can endure this for one week, then starting next month we could see a huge increase in our allowance?"
That's right. This wasn't a competition to test our scholarly abilities, but our endurance. If we managed to curb our basic desires, we might get closer to being the top class.
"Each class will receive on copy of the manual. If the manual is lost, you may have another copy. However, it will consume points, so please be very careful. Also, the student who was marked absent from this trip was from class A. According to the rules of this special test, should any student have to leave due to illness, there will be a thirty point penalty to the class as a whole. Therefore, class A will be starting with 270 points."
Even though it didn't affect our class, the penalty was still merciless. The students from class A were visibly trembling. The other classes also appeared shocked. As soon as Mashima-sensei had finished speaking, he told us to disperse. Another teacher's voice came over the loudspeaker, telling us that each class would receive supplementary instructions from our homeroom teachers. We then gathered around Sakagami-sensei. The four classes had congregated in order to keep some distance from each other.
"I will now hand out wristwatches to every one of you. You are not to take them off until the end of the test. If you remove your wristwatch without permission, you will be punished. This watch doesn't just tell time. It's sensors also check your body temperature, your pulse and even your movements. It's equipped with a GPS. Also, in the off chance something bad does happen, this watch comes equipped with the means to notify the school. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to push that button."
The vendor who supplied the watches had stacked them next to Sakagami-sensei. The time had come for class C to collect our supplies. We were instructed to take the watches out of their boxes and put them on.
"When you say emergency, do you mean, like, if a bear shows up?"
"Even if that was a joke, the test had already begun. I cannot answer any questions that might possibly influence your results."

Authors notes
1583 words
Just like the last chapter, pretty much straight from the ln.
Not much else to say.
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed.

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