Arc 6 chapter 1: a toast

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"Kuku, you damn bastard!" I said, after Nagumo had punched me in the face.

"Come on, Kouhai. You really think you can match up to me?" He said, a smug grin on his face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Ayanokouji slip away. Good, he needed to get out of here. He could have died if we hadn't come when we did.

I made to punch Nagumo's face, but that was a fake out. Instead, I grabbed his hair, and pushed his head down with all my might, and brought my knee up to connect with his big stupid face. He was out of the count, for now.

Good, now it was 4v3 in our favour.

Wait, no, that's not right. There was someone missing. Who wasn't here?

I saw Ibuki sprawled out on the ground. That meant Kushida had beaten her.

Wait, Kushida? Where was Kushida?

I looked at the rooftop door. She couldn't have, could she?

I ran through the door, and went down the stairs. I was just in time to see Ayanokouji in Ichinose's lap, in a pool of his own blood, and Kushida Kikyou standing over the two of them with a knife.

I immediately disarmed Kushida, and restrained her. She had lost any sensibility now, and was just a writhing mess, kicking and trying to bite me, but she had lost any strength now that she had killed Ayanokouji.

Wait, no...not killed. He wasn't dead yet. I could see Ichinose calling an ambulance, and the campus security had already come to take Kushida away.

"Good job kid. You could have helped out a little sooner, though," one of the security guards said to me.

The fucking balls on this guy. Damn, I wish I had got there quicker, too. Doesn't undo what happened, though.

Everyone involved in the fight was brought to director Sakayanagi's office soon after that: myself, Ibuki, Albert, Kiryuuin, Kouenji, Kanzaki, Nagumo and the loli, although she hadn't actually been fighting.

"What happened here today must never happen again. I am extremely angry. With all of you. I've been told that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka will survive," he said.

That's such a relief. I'm sure the others on his side felt the same way.

"And I know that none of you were directly responsible for the actions of Kushida Kikyou, who has been taken into custody. However, you are the only students who know about this situation, and you must not, and this is a direct order, you must not tell anyone about the events that happened here today. Not only would it make life stressful for Ayanokouji when he comes back, but it could potentially start new violence. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone nodded.

"Good. The cover story you will be given if asked about his absence is that he has been given the brief chance to study abroad. You may go now," he said.

Everyone left the room, our group going in one direction, Sakayanagi and the others going wherever they were going.

On our way back to the dorms, we saw Horikita Manabu and his sister, Suzune.

"Well. I hope you're happy. Do you see, now, why I wished to stop violence between your groups?" He said.

"What do you mean. Ayanokouji-kun has gone abro-," Ibuki started to say.

"Fret not. As Student Council President, I have been told about the full situation. You do not need to hide anything from me. But, shall we speak in a environment?" He asked, directing us to the student council room.

We all looked at each other, and followed him.

Once inside the room, we each took a chair, and Suzune stood behind Manabu, who was seated at the head of the table.

"Do you even know why your two groups were fighting?" He asked, suddenly.

"Kukuku, because all of them have unfinished business with Ayanokouji, right? Kanzaki and Kushida went to the same school as him, Kouenji and Sakayanagi want to prove that they're better than him, and Nagumo wanted to crush him for...ummm...some reason." I said.

"I...suppose that's not incorrect, but it's not the entire truth. You see, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is the product of something called 'the white room'," he said.

He proceeded to tell us about the white room, and Ayanokouji's role within it. He told us about how his parents had tried to stop the white room from functioning, and how they were killed by Ayanokouji's father.

Heck, the Horikita siblings had way more reason to hate Ayanokouji than any of the others. But he didn't.

"So, why don't you hate Ayanokouji?" I asked.

"Hm. I suppose it's because...I feel sorry for him. Having to be separated from society for all those years, not being able to live a normal life...I think it weighs down upon his souls every minute of every day," he said, calmly.

Why couldn't everyone else be like this guy?

"Well, I think that's enough talk. Suzune, could we please have some drinks?" He asked his sister.

"Yes, nii-san," she said, walking over to the globe in the corner of the room.

She pressed the surface of the globe where ANHS would geographically be, and the globe opened.

"I trust none of you are adverse to alcohol?" Manabu asked.

We all shook our heads.

"Good. Suzune, could you bring out the...hmmm...the scotch please?" He asked.

Suzune took out a bottle of golden liquid, and also brought out 5 glasses. She laid them out and poured out some for each of us.

Manabu stood up and raised his glass.

"To Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun. May he survive his wounds," he toasted.

"Ayanokouji," we said, glumly.

"Kiyotaka..." Kiryuuin said, downing her glass. This must be especially hard on her, since they were dating and all.

I drank the contents of my glass. I had had alcohol before, but I had only ever had beer, nothing this strong. It burned my tongue and throat, and I could feel it in my stomach.

I really hoped that Ayanokouji would be ok.

Authors notes
1017 words
I hope this chapter wasn't too cringe with the drinks globe. I just thought it would be cool.
I've got a lot of free time right now, so I'll be updating quite a bit today and tomorrow.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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