Lemme clear something up

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Kiyo in this fic is different to Kiyo in canon. He's more emotional and cooperative. That's the reason he got into class C rather than D.

People have also said that I had nerfed Kiyo.


Kiyotaka is really strong, easily the strongest student that ANHS has ever accepted. This is both canon and in the fic.

In this fic's canon, both Kushida and Kanzaki are from the white room. As such, they are well above average in both physical and mental activities.

Nagumo is pretty strong, even if he's just a big meme for the cote community, and he's also a 2nd year, so he's had more time to develop his skills than the first year's.

Kouenji is, and I quote from his school database profile, a "student with incredible abilities comparable even to our graduates."

In levels of IQ, for the first year at least, it goes


2) Sakayanagi. Ayanokouji is only slightly smarter than Sakayanagi, even in the ln.

3) Kouenji.

In levels of physical ability,

1) Ayanokouji

2) Albert

3) Kouenji.

Kouenji, similar to Ayanokouji, has a good balance between body and mind. If Ayanokouji wasn't at ANHS, and if he was more cooperative, Kouenji would be the single greatest student to ever attend ANHS.

So in regards to arc 5, Ayanokouji faces off against 4 fairly formidable opponents.

He would be able to fight to a stalemate if it was Kushida, Kanzaki and Nagumo, but with Kouenji there as well, it's really not a fair fight.

Ayanokouji is strong, but I don't think he's that strong, even in canon.

You have to remember why I actually made that chapter in the first place: I was ending the fic.

At the time, I didn't like the way the fic was going, and if you had read this fic a month or so ago, you would still be able to see my postscript explaining why I ended it.

You may know about my other fic, starting in class B, which was just trash.

But, on Friday, I decided to stop being a lil' wimp and start writing this fic again. I built up all the background lore for this fic, so I'm better at writing this and continuing the ideas I had, rather than just putting the same ideas in a different fic.

Anyway: Ayanokouji is strong, but he wouldn't be able to fight those four in canon. Jeez, Ayanokouji had trouble fighting a pensioner and and a Kirei Kotomine wannabe.

(Tsukushiro and Shiba)

(Btw It's been a little while since I read the y2 island exam, and I'm only on y2 v2 on my 2nd binge read.)

Just thought I'd clear that up.

And also, so what if I nerfed Kiyo? It's fan fiction. I could give Ayanokouji the power to shoot rainbows out of his ass, give him a micro dick, and make Satsuki Shinohara the best girl, and it would still be better than a Kiyotaka who is basically invulnerable. It just wouldn't be as exciting to write.

Wow, I went kinda nutty there.

Sorry if I offended anyone with this. If you really believe that I nerfed him, so what? Just think of it as this fic's canon.

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