Arc 10 chapter 3: unexpected opponent.

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Sakagami-sensei and I made our way over to the special building together.

"We have to go all the way over to the special building just to pick out which classes are facing each other?" I asked.

"You'll also be receiving an explanation as to how things work on the day of the exam," said Chabashira.

There was hardly anyone in the special building, so my ears picked up the sound of our footsteps much easier.

"I'm slightly surprised, Ryuuen-kun. I would have thought you would make Ayanokouji-kun the commander," said Sakagami suddenly.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure...I just always thought that you were more hands on in your approach to things, rather than sitting back and letting everyone do everything for you," he responded.

"I suppose you're right. Anyway, now isn't a good time to put Ayanokouji in a position where he could be expelled," I said.

"Because of the new acting director?" Sakagami asked.

"Yes. Why, do you know something about that? Ayanokouji didn't tell me much."

"...I attended ANHS, too. In my 3rd year, a new student came along: Samuel Akito. He seemed fine at first glance, but that boy—that man is ruthless. He did things at this school that not even the new Student Council President would consider doing. The rules of the school meant nothing to him," Sakagami-sensei said.

Damn. This guy was really something. Was it Ayanokouji's father who ordered him to come here? If so, that was really bad.

After that, we were mostly silent as we made our way to the special building.

The multi-purpose room was located in the special building. Apparently, it was going to be something of a central hub for this exam.

"It seems we are the first here," said Sakagami.

We waited for a short while, till the doors opened and revealed Sakayanagi from class B, along with her homeroom instructor, Tomanari Mashima. The obvious choice for commander, really.

"Fufufu. Hello, dragon boy," she said.

Why did she keep calling me that 😤?

"Hello, loli. It seems you're as spritely as ever," I snapped back.

Just then, the doors opened, and Ichinose of class C walked through, along with Hoshinomiya-sensei. She gave me a small wave, which I returned. Ayanokouji told me that if I was allowed to pick a class, I should pick class C.

We waited a few minutes, and Sae Chabashira, the homeroom teacher of class D came through. Behind her came Horikita Suzune.

I snickered and did a mocking wave to her. She ignored me.

I could almost feel the presence of Ayanokouji telling me to not be a creep.

"Well, now that we have the commanders from each class gathered together, we'd like to determine which classes will be facing off against each other. We're going to have you each draw one slip of paper from this box. The student who draws the slip of paper with the red circle on it will be given the right to choose their opponent," said Mashima-sensei, presenting us with a box with raffle slips in them.

He urged class B to draw first, but Sakayanagi refused.

"They say good things come to those who wait. I don't mind going last. You may go ahead, Ichinose-san," said Sakayanagi.

"Well then, don't mind if I do," said Ichinose, drawing a slip of paper. Her slip was blank.

I decided to draw next. I didn't draw the slip with the red mark either.

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