Arc 11 chapter 5: Betrayal.

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"Before you run, Kiyotaka, you might want to see who we have here. She'll be coming with us if you won't," said Akito.

I stopped. I turned to look at Akito, who was pointing to a boat tied up at the dock. In the boat was a girl, tied up and gagged (😏)

"Honami!" I shouted.

I could hear her muffled screaming through the sellotape covering her mouth.

"Yes, Kiyotaka. Now, you can come with us, and we set her free, or we can take you both by force," Akito gave me his ultimatum.

I was frozen. I couldn't move.

Do I protect Honami? Or do I protect myself?

To be honest, she had done nothing lately but be ungrateful for everything I did for her. I'd given her enough points to save her stupid classmate. I'd beaten up the guy who pushed her. And yet, she didn't even care. She just brushed me aside, like I was just some chump.

Maybe I should leave her. Maybe she'd learn some discipline in the white room. Maybe that was actually what was best for her.

Maybe she could get to spend some quality time with dad, like I had for 15 years.

I turned around, fully prepared to go, when I heard a clank! On the ground.

I looked at what had made the noise, and it was a small can. Some kind of vapour was coming out of it.

Instantly, 5 other cans came clattering onto the floor at our feet.

"Sorry about this, director. Seems like I have to betray you, now," said a girls voice. I recognised the voice, but I couldn't quite place it. I was starting to feel drowsy. Did they just gas us?

Suddenly, some kind of SWAT team came into view, armed with assault rifles.

I hit the floor, unable to stand any longer. A feminine figure who seemed to be the leader of the new group walked towards me, and kneeled beside me.

"Don't worry,'re just gonna have a little nap, okay," she said.

That voice. It couldn't be...


He finally fell under. He took way longer than even that Houzen guy to fall asleep. He really was a fine specimen. The time had come for him to finally be mine.

"Miss, are we ready?" Said goon 1.

"Yes. Put him on the boat," I said.

2 of my men came and picked him up, and placed him on the boat with his sister.

"What do we do about the girl?"

I thought for a moment. I hadn't expected there would be a witness.

"No witnesses. Push her overboard," I ordered.

One of my men was about to push her into the deep blue, when...

"Nah, I don't think so."

someone ran past me in a blur, and leapt onto the boat. He pushed off the man who was about to get rid of Ichinose, and caught her before she fell in.

"Ah, a white knight. Won't you let me see your face before you die?" I asked.

He turned to face me. It was...

"Ahaha, Kanzaki Ryuuji. I didn't expect you to save the kin of your enemy," I laughed.

"And I didn't expect you to betray your boyfriend, Kiryuuin-senpai," he retorted.

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