Arc 1 chapter 11: the morning after

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Last night was good.
I woke up before Fuka, and my face was full of her sweet smelling hair. I inhaled, and closed my eyes. It was at this moment that she decided to wake up.
"Good morning, Kiyotaka." She said, yawning.
"Morning, Fuka." I smiled.
"How did you find last night?" She asked.
"It was...a new experience. One that I enjoyed" I admitted.
"Well, isn't that something? I suppose you won't object to this then," she said, backing herself onto me.
"Unfortunately, I have to. I'll need to go back to my dorm before anyone else wakes up. I think the school would probably launch an inquiry if they knew I'd stayed here." I said. It was true, and I'd have to be careful on my way back. Luckily, my internal body clock woke up earlier than most anyway, so it was unlikely I'd be spotted by a student.
Luckily the corridors of the dorms didn't have many security cameras, mainly just in the elevators and in the stairwells. It could easily be argued away that Fuka and I had parted ways last night, unless someone already knew.
"Hmm, I suppose you're right. But be sure to come back in a few hours, won't you? And don't forget those papers." She said as I got dressed.
"Don't worry, I'll see you later. I have a little bit of business to attend to first, so I'll see you at around lunch?" I asked.
"Sure, I'll make it. We can eat here?"
"That sounds good to me." I confirmed.
"Bye, Kiyotaka." Fuka put her arms around my waist and kissed me on the cheek. I could feel her soft chest pressing into my own.
"See you later, Fuka," I said, returning the kiss.
I left the door, and pulled out my phone.
Text me when you see this, so I know you got it. I have the test papers, phase two of my plan is complete

Ryuuen probably wasn't awake yet, but I decided to text him now so he could wake up to some good news.
I got to my room, and made myself some breakfast. A few minutes later, my phone buzzed. It was Ryuuen.

Good job, Ayanokouji. Can we meet up now?

Sure, I've just made breakfast. Get it while it's hot.

Ok, I'll be two minutes.

A little while later, there was a knock at my door.
"It's open" I said.
Ryuuen entered the room.
"Kukuku you little devil. How did you do it? How many points did you spend? I'll cover the cost with the class bank."
Ah, yes. The class bank. It was a rather good scheme I came up with after the chess tournament. I didn't really need all of the 500,000 points that I won from that, so I decided to give 400,000 to Ryuuen. We decided to keep these points in reserve in case we ever needed a large amount of points for something. Also, every student deposited 5,000 per month into the class bank. Now, we had 480,000 points in the class bank.
"No need. I didn't have to use points." I said.
"What? Then, how did you manage it?" Ryuuen asked, sitting down and biting into a piece of toast he had been buttering.
"I got them from my...partner." I said.
"Oh, and who's that." He asked.
"Fuka Kiryuuin. The girl I played at the chess tournament."
Ryuuen's eyes went wide with apparent shock, as if remembering something.
"Ayanokouji, she was asking for you a few days before that. You shouldn't trust her." Ryuuen looked slightly panicked.
"Don't worry, I know. I have it under control."
"How do you mean?" Ryuuen tilted his head.
"Let's just say that I only got back to my apartment half an hour ago, and I didn't sleep here." I said.
"What does that me-...ohhh. Kukuku. Ayanokouji, you player." Ryuuen grinned.
"Anyway, we're getting sidetracked. Regarding the test questions, don't give them to the class just yet." I said.
"Why? So they can learn how to study without a cheat-sheet?" Ryuuen was right.
"Yeah, pretty much. Also, I need some photocopies made."
"Why?" Ryuuen was confused.
"It's time to initiate phase 3 of the plan." I said.

"What's phase 3?" Ryuuen asked after a long pause.
I told him my plan.
"Hmm...kukuku, that's perfect. Wow, you're surprisingly good at this strategy stuff." Ryuuen said.
"You're not too bad yourself, you know?"
"I'm nothing compared to you." He was right. I was just a bit better than most students. It was a given, considering my past education.

It was lunchtime, so I decided to go and see Fuka.
When I got to her dorm, however, her door was open. Inside her room was...some guy. He looked familiar.
"Ah, speak of the devil and he shall appear. It's good to meet you again, Ayanokouji." The blond boy said.
I looked at Fuka. She mimed moving a chess piece.
Ah, yes. He was the organiser for the chess tournament, vice-president Nagumo.
"Yes, it's good to see you again, Nagumo-senpai." I shook his outstretched hand.
"What did you mean by 'speak of the devil'?" I asked.
"Ah, well. You see: this morning, the student council received an anonymous tip that the students Fuka Kiryuuin from class 2-B and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from class1-C were engaging in sexual activities last night. I doubt this is true, considering you weren't here at her apartment, but I still have to ask: is it true?" Nagumo asked.
Shit. Someone must have followed us last night, or had perhaps just seen us walking into Fuka's room by accident.
Either way, someone had it out for us.
"No. This is a lie." I said.
"Well, I thought as much. We saw you two coming upstairs on the security camera footage, but there's no definitive proof of you engaging in sexual activity." Nagumo said.
"Yeah, I told you all this already, Nagumo. You didn't have to bother my friend here with that, did you?" Fuka was angry.
"I know, I know. It's just standard procedure. Well, I'll be leaving now. Sorry to bother you." He got up and left, shutting the open door behind him.
"Damn, what are we going to do, Fuka?" I looked to Fuka for guidance. She would know more about how to evade school punishment than me, having a years worth of experience more than me at this school.
"Don't worry, this kind of thing happens all the time. I mean, Nagumo is one of the biggest womaniser's the school has ever seen." She simply laid on her bed, unfazed.
"Really. Without catching us in the act, there's not much they can do." Well. That was good to know, at least.
"I'm sorry, Kiyotaka, but Nagumo ate the lunch I gave you. What a prick."
"It's fine. I'm not that hungry anyway."
"Aww, but I wanted to feed you," Fuka pouted.
"E-eh? Please, Fuka. You're embarrassing me," I turned away.
"Aww, poor little Kiyotaka." She teased.
This didn't go on for very long, and we talked away the rest of the afternoon.

Unknown pov
It was probably done, now. I waited for him at the agreed location.
"I'm very sorry, but you're tip wasn't any good. He wasn't at her apartment, and there was no other evidence suggesting they fucked."
I leapt up, in fake surprise.
"P-please, Nagumo-senpai. You shouldn't use bad language like that," I put on my best angry face.
"Anyway, are you sure. I want to make sure that senior girl isn't taking advantage of that first year. Did you check the security cameras from last night?" I asked.
"Yep, and you were right: they were walking together, but there was no evidence suggesting he went in to her room."
Fuck. I thought this was supposed to be easy.
"Oh, never mind then. I was probably just imagining things," I poked my cheek and stuck my tongue out.
"It doesn't matter. Always report something if you see something strange. I have to go to the student council room now, if you'll excuse me." He walked off.
"Goodbye, Nagumo Senpai," I said, waving at him.
I went back to my dorm.
Fuck, how did this happen? They were supposed to be caught red handed. I knew they'd gone into the bitches room. I knew that they'd...done...that.
I couldn't get either of them out of my fucking head. Why? Why couldn't I just forget about them. All I could see were their faces, leering at me.
"Poor, girl. Don't you feel sorry for her?" He asked.
"Hmm. No, not really. She gets what she deserves." She said.
"Shut up, you bitch!" I said.
"Sorry, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of how fake you are." She said. They both laughed.
"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted, turning around.
But there was no one their. I had just imagined it.
I felt my stomach churning. I went to the bathroom, put my head over the toilet, and threw up. It wasn't just vomit going in to the toilet bowl.
I was crying, my tears mixing in with the mixture of water and bile.
"Please...leave me alone..." I laid on the floor, curled up in a pathetic, stinking, sobbing ball.
"Please, don't say those mean things to me, Ayanokouji."

Authors notes
1568 words
Some romantic moments at the start, but things got real serious, real quick.
Kiyotaka spent the night at Fuka's (he only slept in the same bed as her, he didn't do anything else. Go to horny jail *bonk*
Kiyotaka gave Ryuuen the test papers.
Kiyotaka had another phase of his plan yet to go.
Nagumo was informed by someone who saw Kiyotaka go into Fuka's room. The school won't look further in to the matter, unless actual definitive proof is given.
I can't wait for the new season for the classroom of the elite anime to come out. It releases pretty close to my birthday, so that's something to look forward to. 🥳.
Not much else to say.
Hope you're all doing well, and I hope you enjoyed.

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