Arc 2 epilogue: departure

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The exam was over, and the first-year students scattered. The ship was going to depart in two hours, and although we were free to play in the sea, we were also free to go onto the ship. I walked aboard, and was immediately confronted by an excited Shiina.
"Hey, Ayanokouji? How did it go?" She leapt and hugged me, after not seeing me in almost a week. I hope no one who saw would tell Fuka.
"It went good. We came first." I said, subtly pulling her off of me.
"Really? That's amazing! I'm going to tell everyone else!" She rushed off.
She was too cute. ☺️

After I returned to the ship, I went back to my room right away. An exhausted Hirata was there, asleep on his side.
I changed my clothes quietly so I wouldn't wake him and headed into the hall. My call history had filled up. They were all from Horikita. Scary. For the time being, I just answered the emails and relaxed in the lounge while I waited. Wait, how did she even get my number?
She probably wanted an explanation for what I had done.
Soon, a quite flustered Horikita met up with me, radiating a silent pressure.
"Why did you do it?" She asked.
"Why else do you think? To surpass class B" I said.
" could've given us class A's leader as well, and bring their points down. Why didn't you?"
"Because I wanted to keep your points as low as possible. We don't want to have too many threats assailing class C- oh, my bad, I suppose we're class 1-B now." I smugly said.
She stormed off. Then, she stopped.
"We guessed that Albert Yamada was your leader. I myself saw him occupy a spot. How was that wrong?" She asked.
"Did it ever occur to you? How could the teachers monitor who used the keycard?" I asked. Horikita fell silent.
"They could have tracked you GPS location." She said.
"Ah, yes. And what if one were to remove the GPS device from your watch, and give it to the person posing as leader.
Then, it would look like the two of you were together." I shot back. She deflated slightly, and then walked off for good.

Authors notes
380 words
Just a quick chapter for the dialogue between Kiyo and Horikita.
Ayanokouji told Horikita that he broke the rules.
Not much else to say really
I hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed.

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