Arc 11 chapter 3: big huge large bigfight!

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The first thing that tipped us off that something was off was a girl running past our classroom, screaming about blood on her shoes. Nothing serious, really.

"Wanna check it out?" I asked Ryuuen.

"We should. Ishizaki went the direction she came from, after all. If he's started something, I'll kill him," Ryuuen said. I couldn't tell if he was joking.

I gestured for Ibuki and Albert to come with us, which they did. In fact, half of the class was coming with us to see what was going on.

As we walked up the corridor, we got to a large group of students with their backs to us.

"Move!" Ryuuen ordered to the students blocking our path.

"Who the heck do you..." a student started to say, but he saw us, gulped and moved to the side.

Like Moses with the Red Sea, we parted the crowd before us.

When we came to the epicentre of the commotion, what we saw was...bizarre. (Hehe jojo reference lol POG)

Sudou Ken was slumped against the wall, half conscious. The president of the basketball team, and other third-year athletic club students were sizing up a group of third year students, lead by a man who I recognised from the OAA app as Houzen Kazuomi from class 1-D. From the blood on Sudou's knuckles and Houzen's face and shirt, a fight had obviously broken out.

Ishizaki, who was trying to break the fight up, was shouting at Houzen.

"Hey, man, you're goin' too far! Knock that crap off!" He shouted, reaching out to grab Houzen by the collar.

The moment that Houzen saw Ishizaki's arm reaching for him, though, the corners of his mouth curved up slightly in a smirk.

"Better think twice, Ishizaki, unless you wanna die," Ryuuen warned.

Ishizaki stopped just before he took hold of Houzen's collar.

"Wh-why'd you stop me?!" Huffed Ishizaki. He seemed visibly confused by the fact that Ryuuen had stopped him.

Ibuki was also surprised by what Ryuuen had just done. "What do you think you're doing? By stopping him, I mean?" She asked.

Ryuuen generally welcomed fights. He was the furthest possible thing from a person who hated trouble. He didn't care if there were security cameras around or not; when he wanted to throw down, he did so without hesitation. Which was precisely why it was so surprising to see him stop a fight from happening.

Ryuuen ordered Ishizaki back and then approached Houzen himself.

"So, what, you're supposed to be my opponent now? Dude, you're only a bit bigger than that moron Sudou over there," said Houzen mockingly, after getting a look at Ryuuen.

(A/N this is chad anime Ryuuen, not LN Ryuuen)

Ryuuen was muscular, but he was nothing compared to Houzen. I supposed that was why Houzen considered him weak.

"I know you pretty well, yeah. I remember hearin' that this Houzen dude was a bit of a celebrity back in my hometown. I never imagined he'd look like such a total braindead idiot, though," replied Ryuuen.

Houzen repeatedly hurled insults at Sudou, over and over, calling him stupid, so Ryuuen threw the same insult right back in his face. Something that was honestly quite typical of Ryuuen. Normally, Ryuuen was an enemy to every class that wasn't his own, but it was heartening to see him stand up to Houzen like this.

"Y-you know this dude, Ryuuen-san?" Asked Ishizaki.

"Wait. Ryuuen, you say?"

When Houzen heard Ryuuen's name, the look on his face changed. And then his wide mouth cracked open into an amused smile.

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