Arc 6 epilogue: the return of the king

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I was walking back to the dorms after the test.

It had gone well, all things considered. I definitely knew that I hadn't failed, and I was confident that Sakura and I had passed the 692 points threshold. I was confident that I was able to do that myself, but it always helps to have someone helping you.

"Oh, what a day," I said aloud.

"Hoho, what a day indeed, traitor-girl," a booming voice said behind me.

I turned around quickly. I saw a tall, blond, muscular man by the name of Kouenji Rokusuke standing before me.

"A-ah, Kouenji-kun. What do you mean 'traitor?'" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"Don't try and play pretend with me, girl. It won't work," he said, walking towards me.

"I'm sure I have no idea..." I tried to say, walking away as fast as I could without actually running.

Instantly, Kouenji closed the difference between us. He pinned me against the wall, and held my right arm above my head.

"I usually wouldn't care, but...I have a particular distaste for those in class A. I should teach you a lesson before you go conspiring with my enemies ever again," he said, readying his fist to drive it into my stomach.

I froze, terrified. If he punched me hard enough, he could probably kill me. I was athletic, but I couldn't match up to a man of his calibre.

He brought his arm back, and...


"That's not very nice, is it? She could get hurt, you know."

A figure of average build was holding Kouenji's wrist in his hand, and restraining him. I recognised his voice, but I can't remember where I remembered it from.

"You? It...can't are you here?" Kouenji was confused. I had never seen him wear any expression other than smug confidence, but now he was sweating slightly.

"It's quite simple, really. I felt hungry, so I came down here to get a snack from the vending machine," the boy behind Kouenji said.

"'re dead...Kushida killed you, didn't she?" Kouenji asked.

"Wounded, not killed. You'll have to try a little harder than just kicking me around and stabbing me, I'm afraid. Better luck next time," the boy said.

Kouenji had had enough. He turned around and aimed a kick at the boys head. The boy dodged, and aimed a kick of his own at Kouenji's ribs. A dull thud reverberated from the impact, and Kouenji went reeling backwards.

"Hoho, it's good to have you back, ghost-boy. I can't wait to finish what Kushida could not," Kouenji said, skulking away.

"All bark and no bite," the boy said to himself. It was quite dark now, so I couldn't see his face.

"W-why did you save me?" I asked.

"Why did you think? I couldn't have my pawn getting neutralised by that gorilla, could I?" He said.

His...pawn? Then that meant...

Just then, the lamp above the alleyway turned on, revealing the face of the boy in front of me.

"It's good to see you, Matsushita-san," he said.

"I-It's good to see you too...Ayanokouji-kun."

Authors notes
526 words
The return of the king
Ugh...9 whole chapters in 24 hours.
Hope you all enjoyed.

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