Arc 5 chapter 2: the beginning of it

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Ayanokouji POV

"So, he isn't at the school anymore?"

"That's right. For the past day he's been at a hospital in Tokyo. I want you to retrieve him for me."

"Sir, are you sure that's wise? Wouldn't it be better for him to be treated first?"

"Fool. If he fully recovers, he will be able to escape back to the school. No, he still might escape, but this is a one in a million chance we've been given. It would be foolish to waste it."

"You're right, sir. How should I go about it?"

"It doesn't matter how you do it, but be discreet. Take only as many people as you deem necessary. You're the only person I can entrust this task to, Akito. Be sure not to fail me."

"Yes, sir."

I watched the fair skinned man walk away from my office. I was surprised by how much he'd grown over the past 17 years since I'd met him.

Kiyotaka POV

It was all so hazy, I don't remember much of what happened.

First there was a fight on the rooftop, and then...

That's right! Honami was there. My sister, Honami Ichinose. I remember feeling happy and safe now that she was there, and then...

Kushida...stabbed me...

I remember feeling the pain of the metal entering and exiting my back, and the warm, almost soothing texture of my blood running down my back. I thought for sure I would die.

Honami had come to the hospital with me, and I don't know what happened to Kushida or the others. My guess, though, would be that the school would swear everyone involved in the incident to silence, and cover the incident up.

But I survived.

I was told by a nurse that a detective would be coming today to take my statement, and that I would need to tell them about everything that had transpired.

I decided to watch the lobby camera, like the one that they had in the school dorms. After a few minutes, I saw a man come in, and I saw the glint of a badge at his belt. He must be the detective that the nurse told me about.

I was looking at the screen, and I saw him walk through the lobby. As he was about to go to the elevator, something happened that I didn't expect: a nurse walked over, pushing a teenager in a wheelchair over to him. They conversed, and went over to a side room.

There was something...odd about the nurse. She was young, very young. She was about as old as me, maybe even younger, and she had red hair and golden eyes. There was something off about her eyes, but the grainy definition of the screen couldn't let me see her any closer.

Just before she went in, the nurse made some sort of signal to someone else in the lobby; a white man in his early 30's, I'd say. He followed them inside the room, and the nurse came back out and waited for them.

I was starting to get interested. What was happening?

A few minutes later, the white man came out...wearing the clothes the detective had been wearing earlier. The boy in the wheelchair came out, too, but he was wearing a doctor's uniform, and was pushing a stretcher with a body bag placed upon it.

I could only guess what was inside.

So, that was the game the old man was playing.

That would also explain the apparent young age of the boy and girl: they were white room students. And the white man must be one of my father's cronies.

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