Arc 9 chapter 4: troublesome intervention

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My arm was held against Kushida's throat, restraining her movement.

It had been nearly 6 months since I had last seen her face. 6 months since she had stabbed me. My old wound seemed to ache at the memory.

I should feel hatred towards her, because of what she did to me. I should end it, here and now, and kill both her and acting director Akito. It would save me a lot of headache in the future, and would rid the world of 2 psychopaths. It would also limit my father's hold over me. If you factored out the legal and moral issues, it was a no-brainer.

No. Although neither me or (presumably) Mii-chan would have any qualms over killing, it would be too much hassle to deal with. I may end up in prison, and then I would be shipped back to the white room in a heartbeat.

"Ayanokouji-kun. What is going on here?"

A voice suddenly called from the end of the hallway. I turned to see a girl with long, glossy black hair. Who was she again?

"Mii-chan, why do you have the new acting director in a chokehold? And, Ayanokouji-kun, why are you restraining Kushida-san so forcibly?" Said Horikita Suzune.

"Horikita-san...what are you doing here?" I asked.

"What does it look like? I'm enforcing my brother's law: there is to be no hostility between you and Kushida-san. Even though it escalated to such an extent, I am still tasked with ensuring that there is no violence," she said.

Oh, right, I'd forgotten about her. Yeah, she was the student council president's little sister, wasn't she.

"Mii-chan, I don't know what he has done to offend you, but it is unimaginable that a student would become violent with a teacher, let alone one with the position of acting director. Leave at once," Horikita said to Mii-chan, rather authoritatively.

Mii-chan looked over to me for confirmation, and I nodded. With that, Mii-chan let go of the acting director, and left the building.

"A-ah...thank you, Horikita-san, I-" Akito started to say.

"Make no mistake, acting director. It is painfully obvious that you were trying to fight these students. That is even more unimaginable than the students attacking you first. I am, frankly, appalled. Unfortunately, I have no evidence linking you to the crime of physically assaulting a minor, so you can do whatever you wish now. Stay or go, I don't really care," Horikita said, coldly.

That shut Akito up for a minute. He, like Mii-chan, also left the building.

"And you, Kushida-san. I never thought you'd be back on school grounds again. Truly, someone in the legal system has made a severe error in judgment," Horikita said to Kushida.

"Despite that, Ayanokouji-kun, I would like you to release her. It is not befitting of a student to assault a member of staff, such as Kushida-san here," she continued.

What? She wanted me to just let Kushida go? Was she crazy?

"I can't just let her go. I need to make sure she can no longer hurt me or my friends," I said.

"Then can I take it we are at an impasse?" Horikita asked.

Quickly, I punched Kushida in the side of her temple, knocking her out. I gently laid her down on the ground. I stood and faced Horikita.

"Maybe we are. I suggest that you leave me to do as I wish, if you know what's good for you, Horikita-san," I warned her.

"My brother has told me about the white room, and the terrifying results it produces. I'd wager you're one of the strongest people in the school, which is why you're so confident. Unfortunately for you, I'm also confident in my abilities..." she said.

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