Arc 7 chapter 1: the return of the king (part 2)

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There was one person I needed to see before I revealed my return to the rest of the campus.

I walked to her dorm, and knocked on the door.

"Coming!" The cheerful voice spoke.

The door opened, revealing a girl with strawberry blond hair, and brilliant blue eyes.

We stared at each other for a little while.

"Honami...I'm back," I said after a pause.

Tears started to flood Honami's eyes, and she leapt out and hugged me.

"Nii-san...I missed much..." she said through quiet sobs.

"I missed you too...come on, let's go inside," I said, and she opened the door to let me come through.

We had a lot to catch up on...

"Oh my god, you met mom and Kiyone?" She asked.

"Yeah, I went to their house in Kyoto. I stayed there until yesterday to recover my strength," I explained.

We had been talking for a little while, and we had just finished talking about what happened during my absence.

Honami reached over the table and held my hand.

"It's really good to see that you're ok, Kiyo," she said.

"Thanks,'s really good to be back. Better than being in hospital, anyway," I laughed.

"Ahaha, yeah, I suppose you're right," she laughed too.

There was a moment of silence.

"Kiyo, when we graduate...will you...please come back to Kyoto with me?" She asked.

Oh. How should I do this?

"Honami...I'd like nothing more than to spend a few years living with you, mom and Kiyone, but...I think you know why I can't...I'm sorry..." I apologised.

She looked down for a moment.

"N-no, it's ok. It's not your fault. It's dad's fault," she said, a rare look of anger upon her usually kind face.

I hugged her.

"Honami...I promise that one day, me, and you...and mom and Kiyone...we'll all live as a normal family. I'll break free, one day," I said.

Honami was startled, and then returned the hug.

"Thank you...Kiyotaka," she said.

The next day

"Hey guys! It's Ayanokouji!"

"Ayanokouji-kun is back!"

"Welcome back, Ayanokouji-kun!"

Walking into school the next day was like being an actor on the red carpet: I was something of a celebrity.

I was walking to school with Ryuuen, Fuka, Shiina and Honami. We were chatting, and I was waving at the people who were welcoming me back.

"Fufufu. So it seems you're alive after all?" A cold voice came from behind me.

"Well, why wouldn't I be alive, Sakayanagi-san?" I asked the short girl with the cane.

"Fufufu, I heard the weather in Europe can be quite cold. How was it, by the way? I heard that the locals there can be very...unfriendly," she said with a thin smile.

"I don't think anyone could be quite as unfriendly as you, or the company you keep," I said in French.

"I suppose you're right about that...I'll be seeing you around, Ayanokouji," she said in Italian.

She limped away, with her cronies Hashimoto and Kitou trailing behind her.

"Welcome back, Ayanokouji," Ibuki said when I arrived in the classroom.

"Thanks, Ibuki-san," I said.

After that, I was instantly swarmed by people asking me about my absence.

"Ayanokouji, did you attack Kushida?"

"Hey, Ayanokouji-kun, what did you do in Europe?"

"Hey, Ayanokouji! Do you have a scar now?"

I was overwhelmed.


A single word from Ryuuen was all it took to disperse the crowd that had gravitated towards me.

It was at this point the bell rang, and Sakagami-sensei entered the room.

"Good morning class A. First, I would like to welcome back Ayanokouji after his brief sabbatical in Europe. Now, onto business as usual," he said.

Man, it was good to be back.

Unknown POV

So, Ayanokouji had returned to ANHS?

Damn. We'd only been in Kyoto for a few days, and we were already being recalled back to Tokyo. I was really starting to like it.

I was walking down the street with Akito-sensei, when I saw Ichinose walking down the street.

No, it couldn't be Ichinose, but the similarities were very peculiar. I think I remember Ichinose saying her family lived in Kyoto. I decided to call out to her.

"Hey! Ichinose-san!" I called.

"Kushida? What are you doing?" Akito asked me.

"Follow my lead," I said.

The woman looked around, and we locked eyes. I waved at her and put a big smile on my face.

"Oh, sorry. You just look like someone else I know. Never mind," I apologised.

"No, no, I am Ichinose Sakura. Perhaps you know one of my daughters?" She asked, walking over.

"I don't know. I thought you looked like a girl called Ichinose Honami. I went to ANHS with her," I explained.

"Yes, she's my eldest daughter. It's good to meet a friend of Honami's. What's your name?" She asked.

"Hehee, how silly of me. I'm Kikyou Kushida," I bowed.

Ichinose flinched slightly.

"And you, sir? Have we met before? You look very familiar," she asked Akito-sensei.

"No, I don't believe so," Akito said. I could tell that he was lying.

"Well, it's been lovely chatting, but I'm very busy. Goodbye, Kushida-san," she said, walking off.

I watched her leave.

"Akito-sensei, how do you know that woman?" I asked.

"Like I said, I don't know her," he lied again.

"Please don't take me for a fool, Akito-sensei. Give me some credit," I smirked.

He sighed, his shoulders slumping.

"Fine, I suppose you'll find out eventually, anyway. That woman, Ichinose Sakura, is Ayanokouji-sensei's ex-wife. Well, they're actually still legally married, but they haven't seen each other in 12 or 13 years from what I know. She's also the mother of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and his twin sister, Ayanokouji Honami. Or, Ichinose Honami, I should say," he explained.

The impact was such a shock.

"H-how could...Ichinose-san, such a pretty girl...come from Ayanokouji-sensei?" I asked

Authors notes
1004 words
Just a chap reintroducing Ayanokouji to the rest of the school again.
Not much point writing vol 7 since Ayanokouji and Ryuuen are working together.
I'll be starting vol 8 next chapter.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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