Arc 10 chapter 2: event selection exam strat

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When Sakagami left, we had a little time left before class began. Some students went up and picked up the rules handout that had been left on the podium.

"Give me that," said Ryuuen, parting the crowd and taking the manual. He began looking over it intently.

I went up to the desk to look at the manual with him.


Rules for selecting events:

Events that are too obscure, are too complex, or have exceedingly detailed rules may not be allowed. In the case of events with written questions, the school will provide the test questions to ensure fairness. Deviating from or altering the basic rules of the events is strictly prohibited.

Regarding usable facilities:

On the day of the special exam, the commanders will carry out their duties from the multi-purpose room. Additionally, school facilities such as the gymnasium, the sporting grounds, the music rooms, and the science labs may be used, though there are some exceptions.

Regarding event restrictions and time restrictions:

Duplicate events will not be accepted. If an event is determined to have the same content as a previously submitted event, it will not be completed. Also, if an event is determine to take too long to complete or has no time limit whatsoever, it may not be accepted.

Regarding the number of participants:

The required number of participants for each of the ten submitted events must be different, excluding those acting as substitutes. The minimum required number of participants is one, while the maximum number of participants must not exceed twenty (including those acting as substitutes). Only a maximum of two events that require more than ten participants per class (including substitutes) may be submitted.

Regarding conditions for participation:

Each student may only participate in one event. Students may not participate in two or more events. However, if every student from a class has already participated in an event, then a student will be allowed to participate in more than one event.

Regarding the role of commander:

The commander has the right to be involved in all seven events. Exactly how the commander is involved will be determined by the class that proposed the event. The scope of this involvement must be approved by the school before the event is adopted.

The rules were roughly divided into six sections.

The number of participants could range from one person to twenty people per event. And while events that actually required twenty participants were probably quite limited, there were some options you could come up with, depending on your approach. If you managed to come up with two events that required close to forty people, then it was possible that some students would have to participate a second time, maybe even a third time.

Even if you tried to narrow your selections down to an elite few, though, that got tricky when you had to ensure that the required number of people for each event was different.

"The school really has prepared quite a difficult special exam for us, haven't they?"

"Yeah. But as something that's supposed to be a culmination of everything we've learned over our first year, I guess it's pretty appropriate."

It was a system where many students had to participate and work together if they were going to win. It was similar to the sports festival, but this time around, it wasn't like physical ability alone would give you an advantage. Depending on your approach, it was possible to turn this into a battle focused on only academic ability, or a test of intelligence or other mental faculties.

The key to the test likely wasn't just being able to discern your own strengths and weaknesses, but also those of the other classes.

After giving the event selection process some thought, I concluded that the amount of time the school had given us was adequate. We were going to have to engage in a considerable amount of discussion and be extremely careful with our selections if we wanted to do our absolute best.

Furthermore there were some students I doubted would actually participate in the events. If we couldn't get everyone in class to participate in an event at least once, we couldn't get anyone to participate a second time, forcing us to adjust accordingly.

"So, I assume Ryuuen-san is going to be the commander then?" Asked Ishizaki, looking towards Ryuuen.

It was the obvious choice. Ryuuen had a very strategic mind. While he wasn't exactly on my level, he was probably the most cunning person in our grade level after Sakayanagi. He also had the protection point which would save him in the case of our class losing, which I very much doubted we would.

"You're damn right I'll be the commander. There ain't no way I'm letting any of you call the shots around here," he said, grinning.

Class D student pov

"So it's decided then? Horikita will be the commander?"

The class nodded, in almost complete unity.

Why did I feel a certain hesitation right now? I looked over to Horikita, and saw a grim expression on her face, as though she was preparing to actually go to war, and she was getting ready to face an old enemy of hers.

Did she have some personal vendetta here? Or was it simply my imagination?

After class, I went and talked to her.

"Horikita-san...can I ask a favour of you, since you're the commander?" I asked.

"What is it?"

"When you go to the commanders meeting, could you please make sure that we are matched up against class A?"

934 words
Shorter chap this time, mostly taken from the ln again 😩
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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