Arc 10 epilogue: protection job

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So, class D had lost again.

It wasn't that much of a surprise. We were going up against class A after all. Our class had a false sense of confidence because they used to be class C, and that they had found themselves on top due to sheer chance.

But I knew Ryuuen. When I found out he was in class C, I vowed to try and stay away from that class entirely. Nothing good ever came from interacting with Ryuuen Kakeru. I knew that from personal experience.

I had tangled with him a few times in middle school, but neither of us ever really came out on top. We were both fairly evenly matched, at least physically.

I was thinking these thoughts, and remembering these memories, as I was on my way home after the exam.

Horikita had done a good job, sure, and there probably wasn't anyone in our class who would've done a better job as commander.

I was walking through the park, when I noticed a man who I had not met in some years.

"Nephew. It has been some time," he said.

"Really? It doesn't feel like it's been long enough," I said, brushing him off.

"Come now, don't be like that. Why don't you listen to what I have to say, eh? We are family, after all."

"Tch. We're not even biologically related," I corrected him.

"Ouch. That's pretty hurtful. Come, won't you listen to your old uncle? For old times sake?" He asked, gesturing to a nearby bench.

I mulled it over in my head for a few seconds. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to just listen to him.

We sat on the bench.

"So, you're the new acting director then, uncle?" I asked, trying to start conversation.

"Yes, I'm very proud of myself. Finally, I've achieved something noteworthy," he responded.

I got the feeling that he didn't even care about his position.

"And you, Miyake. Who knew that you would aim so high and get into such a prestigious school."

This was the uncle that I knew. Always so quick to kiss ass.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"What makes you think I want something? Maybe I just wanted to talk with my nephew," he laughed nervously.

I looked him in the eye.

"Ok, ok, you caught me. So yes, there is a teensy little favour I want from you," he cracked, letting his secrets spill.

"Let me hear it," I said.

"Well, the new first years will be arriving in a few weeks, and I want you to keep an eye on a certain few. I want you to make sure no harm comes to them. There is a current first-year student who wishes serious harm to the new students. I can only entrust you with these names, so please consider it," he explained.

That sounded pretty serious. I decided to pry a little further.

"And...who are these students?" I asked.

"There is Ichika Amasawa, from class 1-A, Yagami Takuya, from class 1-B, Tsubaki Sakurako and Utomiya Riku from class 1-C, Tsubasa Nanase and Kazuomi Houzen from class 1-D," he said.

Alarm bells started to ring in my head.

Houzen? THE Houzen? That guy could crush anyones skull like an Easter egg. I wasn't sure why my uncle wanted me to help protect that guy, but I'm pretty sure he didn't need it.

"I see. I shall...consider your request," I said, standing up.

"Please do. I don't want any harm to come to my students, especially to those who don't yet know the ins and outs of the school. A second year will have the advantage, knowing blind spots in security cameras and such."

That made sense. But there was one more question that I had.

"Who is the student who wishes harm upon the next batch of first-years?" I asked.

"Ah, his name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Why do you ask?"

"No reason," I lied, walking away.

Authors notes
640 words
Shorter chapter today.
That's the first year done.
Will probably do the 11.5 volume soon, but I haven't actually read the official translation for that volume yet, so I'm gonna do that first.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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