Arc 12 chapter 1: paying respects.

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"Words cannot express the tragedy we feel at such a loss," said director Akito.

The entire school had been summoned for the funeral service of Akiko Ikeda.

Her family were allowed to visit the school and attend the service, and her parents were crying next to her coffin.

The school felt...depressed. Understandable, considering the circumstances.

"And now, a few words from her classmate, and the student council president, Nagumo Miyabi," said the acting director.

For god's sake, not this twat.

The egotistical blond brat took the stage, and put his hands on the podium.

"My classmates. My friends. My kouhai. Last week, a great girl lost her life. She was brutally attacked," said Nagumo.

Way to lighten the mood.

"But I'm not going to stand for that. I consider an attack on any student at this school an attack on myself. Which is why I'm forming a volunteer group to help hunt down the sick bastard who did this," he continued.

I wasn't expecting that. But it kind of made sense.

Of course, no student could actually take action against "Kira," legal or otherwise. The best this volunteer group could hope to do was keep watch and tell Nagumo if anyone was acting suspicious.

"Our school, unlike most high schools, has never had a disciplinary committee, which is why I believe this is the perfect opportunity for such a change to occur. Anyone who joins this new disciplinary committee will effectively become members of the student council. I am currently looking for a select few students to lead this group. If anyone wishes to apply, we ask that you have an OAA rating of B or higher. That is all, thank you," he finished, walking off the stage.

We were directed to leave so the private service for family and friends could begin.

As we got outside, I heard a voice call me.

"Ayanokouji-kun! Wait!" The voice said.

I turned to see Horikita walking towards me.


"What?" I asked, looking away from her and continuing to walk.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" She said.

"You should consider yourself lucky that I'm speaking to you at all. Out with it!"

"Ayanokouji...I knew that allowing you to remain at this school was a mistake."

"What? Are you insinuating that I did this?" I asked.

I was genuinely quite angry at that accusation, if she was indeed accusing me.

"N-no, I know you didn't strike the blow, but you're actions lead to this!" She exclaimed.

We were alone now. I turned around, and slammed her to the wall.

She struggled to get away, but I was too strong.

"You think that I'm responsible for this? Please, enlighten me," I said.

"If you hadn't started fighting Kouenji, the fight wouldn't have escalated to the level it did, and people could have discovered the girl sooner. She may have even been saved," she reasoned.

" the biggest bullshit I've ever heard." I couldn't believe the crap that was coming out of her mouth.

"You think I wanted this fight to happen? I tried my best to stay out of it, but no...your little lumbering lapdog couldn't control himself. If anything, I could argue that this is your fault," I argued.

Horikita was about to respond, but quickly shut her mouth. She couldn't exactly argue with that.

"Good. That's what I thought. Since you've taken up my valuable time, I want you to do something for me," I said.

"I am not going to have sex with you," she refused.

Damn. How did she know? I had to make up something for her to do.

"No, I want you to apply for the position as leader of the new disciplinary committee," I ordered

"Why?" She asked, confused.

"It doesn't matter why. If you want me to keep my end of the bargain, you do as I say. Got it?"

"Y-yes," she said, bowing her head slightly.


I didn't like the path Kiyotaka was going down. He had gotten too involved with Ryuuen and his gang. It wasn't right, he was supposed to be...


He was supposed to have self control. He wasn't supposed to be beating people up, or blackmailing them.

I had just witnessed him shove Horikita Suzune against a wall. I only saw it from afar, and couldn't see anything, but I got the gist of the situation.

He wanted her to do something for him.

Whether it was sexual in nature wasn't really my business, but the fact that he was forcing her to do something was my business.

I didn't want to be related to a man who got through life through by being bad.

A pity then, that I was the daughter of one of the most evil men in Japan, and my brother was essentially a bully.

I put my head in my hands and sobbed a little.

"Do you need to talk about it?" Someone asked.

Behind me, there was a boy wearing a white shirt. He placed his hand on my shoulder.

"N-no, it's fine, really," I lied, standing to leave.

"No, I can tell somethings up. You shouldn't keep stuff pent up. Tell me what troubles you," the boy said.

He must be a kouhai, since I hadn't ever seen him before.

"'s my brother," I said sitting down.

"What about him?" The boy asked, sitting next to me.

"He's...pretty horrible to people. He's in class 2-A, lead by one of the biggest bullies in the school, Ryuuen. My brother is essentially his right hand man," I explained.

The boy nodded and stayed silent, letting me continue.

"I...don't know why he's like this. Our parents divorced when we were pretty young. I went with mom, and he went with dad. From what I remember of dad, he...wasn't the nicest person. I know that Kiyo wasn't raised in the best environment, but I don't think that's any excuse for the way he behaves," I said, quite loudly.

"I see. Do you feel better for telling someone?" He asked.

Oddly enough, I kind of did.

"Y-yeah. Thanks, I guess..." I said.

"Well, if that's all, Ichinose-senpai, I'll take my leave. We should hang out again sometime," he said, standing up.

"Y-yeah, I'd like that," I said, also standing.

"W-wait, what's your name?" I asked.

The boy stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"Akira. Akira Yanagi."

Authors notes
1081 words
Slightly lighter chapter than the others in this arc, but not much lighter.
Ichinose has become friends with Akira Yanagi.
Kira still remains at large.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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