Arc 5: the end of it.

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It had been a few days since Honami had revealed she was my sister, and that I had a mother. I also had a half sister called Kiyone.

It was time to go to school now. I met up with Honami in the morning, and walked to school with her. We parted ways at the main school building.

I received a text. It was from Kushida.

Meet me on the rooftop at lunch. I'll be alone, so I expect you to be alone as well.

Right, this was a little bit odd. I texted Ryuuen, telling him about it. He said they'll stay out of it, but I should text them after 10 minutes, then they'd look for me. It was a good plan. One that I hoped would work.

I also texted Honami, telling her to come to the rooftop if I wasn't in the cafeteria half an hour into lunch.

The day went as expected. Sakagami-sensei walked into the room, and bought out a sheet of paper with the class rankings on it:

Class 1-A: 1350
Class 1-B: 1020
Class 1-C: 0510
Class 1-D: 0210

Our class had made a massive lead of over 300 points. It would be very hard for the other classes to surpass us now, at least without a special exam.

The time had come for me to meet with Kushida. I went to the rooftop, and I saw her. Her hand was still bandaged from where Fuka had stabbed her.

"Hello, Ayanokouji." She said, facing away from me.

"Hello, Kushida." I went to stand next to her.

"Ayanokouji? Do you know what it means to love someone? Or for someone to love you?" She asked. That was unexpected.

"Well. I wouldn't say that, but Fuka and I are in a relationship, and it feels good." I admitted.

"Tch. That's just it. You don't love her. She doesn't love you, you just think that." She spat.

"Umm...ok," I said, awkwardly.

" you, Kiyotaka." She turned around, and kissed me on the lips. She embraced me, and we moved away from the ledge of the roof. I had to admit, it felt good.

"Kushida...I can't reciprocate your feelings. I already have someone." I said, walking away.

"Kiyotaka..." she called.



I lied. I called for backup just before you got here." She said.

Ah well, I suppose that was what I got for trusting her.

"Well. I'm going to call for my backup, too." I said, bringing out my phone. wasn't in my pocket. I looked to Kushida, who was holding it in her hands.

"Hm. It's funny, how many uses a simple kiss can have, isn't it? They can be used to show someone you love them, or they can be used to steal something." She said. There were no emotion in her words. Just emptiness.

I went to grab the phone, but she managed to avoid me. I launched a punch at her face, but she deflected it.

"I've had a lot of training since that day in the alley, you know? And since that day on the cruise ship. I'm no match for you just yet, but I can hold out until the rest of them get here." She said.

I kicked her in the face, sending her reeling backwards, and falling over. She still hung onto my phone, even when she was sprawled on the ground.

I knelt over her, about to grab my phone, when a wild Kouenji appeared and pulled me away.

The whole gang was here: Kushida, Kouenji, Kanzaki, Nagumo. Sakayanagi was also there, but she didn't really count as a combatant.

I wouldn't be able to beat those four on my own. I would have to hold out until my friends came. It should be about 10 minutes soon, and then they'd come looking for me.

They attacked all at once. I couldn't deflect all of their blows. I was hit in the head and in the ribs. I tried to counterattack, but Kanzaki blocked me, and pushed me into Kouenji, who punched me in the face and sent me sprawling to the ground.

For the first time in my life, I felt fear. I looked up at Nagumo, who smirked as he kicked me in the face.

"That's for humiliating the second years in the chess tournament." He said.

Damn. He was still angry about that? Talk about petty.

Just then, the rooftop door opened. Ryuuen and the rest of my friends came out. Instantly, the two groups started fighting.

Albert was managing to fight Kouenji, whilst Ryuuen was holding his own against Kanzaki. Kushida went up against Ibuki, and Fuka traded blows with Nagumo.

I had to slip away, now. I left the rooftop, through the door. I could feel blood dripping down my face, and could feel I had at least two broken ribs. I walked down the stairs, each step making my ribs grind against each other. It was really painful.

When I turned a corner, I saw Honami, my sister. That was good. I would be safe now.

Just then, I felt an odd sensation in my lower back. It was extremely painful, but also felt soft. It felt similar to when Kushida had stabbed me in the back, all those months ago.

I looked behind me, to see Kushida standing there. I looked further down, to see a knife stuck in my lower back. So this was her plan, all along.

She pulled the knife out, and I fell onto my knees, tumbling down the stairs. I could hear someone shouting, faintly. Was it Honami? I couldn't tell, since my hearing had gone fuzzy. That was weird. I couldn't see anything, at least not clearly. I could make out figures, but nothing definite. All I could see were blue eyes,

Ichinose pov
She...stabbed him. Kushida stabbed my brother.

She didn't look like the Kikyou Kushida I had met at the start of the school year. She looked different, angry and hateful. I knew that she had gone through the same training as Kiyotaka, and that her psyche was damaged because of it, but I never expected it to come to this.

He fell slowly down the stairs. I screamed, and ran over to catch him before he hit his head.

I caught him, and held him in my arms.

"N-nii...chan..." I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"H-ho...nami? Is that you?" He said, weakly.

I was on my phone, trying to call the school security, telling them to call an ambulance.

"Yes. Don't worry, it's me." I said.

He lifted his arm up and cupped my cheek in his hand. I felt his icy touch on my face.

"Hm. I think I do remember you. When we were little. And mom, too." He said.

I cried even harder.

Just then, the security came with a stretcher, and took him away. They also subdued Kushida, and took her away. By now, she was a mess. She was snarling and writhing in their grip, trying to bite them or kick them. She was covered in blood. My brothers blood.

They took him away. To the hospital.

I was allowed to go with him, as I was a witness.

I just couldn't understand it though. How could I have let this happen?

It was all my fault.

1243 words.

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