Arc 3 chapter 3: traitor part 2

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You are a traitor in class 1-C. Your fellow traitor is Ryuuen Kakeru. Please come to room 204 at any time to collect your model gun. Good luck.

Well. That was unexpected. Finally, when we thought we had some rest, it seemed another special exam would be taking place. How bothersome.

I texted Ryuuen.


Your room, 10 minutes. Make sure no one sees you.


It was imperative in a situation like this to give clean cut questions and answered. Too much was unknown at this moment to dilly-dally with our words.

This exam seemed to follow a similar plot line to a book I once read: murder on the orient express. I said goodbye to Kushida, who ran off to take care of her class. If I had to guess, she was probably a traitor too. I mean, me and Ryuuen seem too good a combination to be mere chance, so I guessed the school chose the traitors because of their value.

I waited 10 minutes, then went to my room.

Ryuuen was already there.

"Hey, Ayanokouji." He said, almost tiredly.

"Should we go to room 204?" I asked.

"Oh, is that where you got sent to? I got sent to room 107. I already have my gun, so you can go and get yours now."

It was probably easiest to assign different rooms for different traitors. That way, innocent students couldn't see where 8 people went at roughly the same time. That would make it too easy. I set off, and soon arrived at room 204. I opened the door, and there was a staff member in there, with a model gun on the table.

"Name?" He said.

"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka." I answered.

"Affirmative. Please, hide the model in your jacket. It wouldn't do for you to be discovered this early due to carelessness." He ordered, handing me the gun.


I exited the room, with the gun in my blazer. This exam was good. If I lost, I would be sent to my room for the rest of the trip. If I won, I could win a minimum of 1,000,000 private points. If I was to "kill" every student on the ship, excluding the other traitors and the students from class C, I would win an extra 12,000 private points, and 120 class points, give or take. If I were to betray all 6 traitors, I could get another 300 class points. If we won the absolute best result, we could overtake class A.

This was a lot to take in. I decided to go back to my room, and talk to Ryuuen about the exam. When I got back to my room, Ryuuen and Hirata were there. I took my gun out and shot Hirata.

"Already did it." Ryuuen said.

"Ah, ok. Sorry, Hirata." I felt a bit bad now.

"Don't worry. It's fine, you did what you had to." Damn, an attitude like that wasn't going to get him very far in this school.

"Anyway. Ryuuen, I have a plan. Shall we talk somewhere else?" I asked.

"Yes, good idea. I know the perfect place." Ryuuen exited the room, and I followed him. We went down the hallway stairs, all the way down to the bottom. We went along a few corridors, and we were finally in a place where we wouldn't be disturbed: a supply closet.

"So, what's the plan?" Ryuuen asked.

"I will end the entire exam today." I said.

"W-what? You can't be serious? How?" Ryuuen was flustered. I think it was the first time I had seen him like that.

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