Arc 3 chapter 2: traitor part 1

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Kouenji was alone all the time because everyone steered clear of him, disgusted by his incredibly selfish personality. Many of us had already experienced the same treatment as this poor bellhop. Kouenji was like poison, especially to our group. Anyone who encountered him, friend or foe, suffered for it.

In order to avoid being dragged into something bothersome, I slunk past the two of them. Getting too near a member of Kushida's group, and a high ranking member at that, would be dangerous.

"Oh ho? Why, if it isn't little Ayanokouji, hmm? What a coincidence."

Ugh. Kouenji called my name. It wasn't surprising that he called to me, right? The instant the bellhop noticed that Kouenji's attention had shifted over to me, he appeared elated. I'm finally free! Is what his look seemed to say.

No, no. How could a crew member act like that? He ought to continue serving the customer, no matter how annoying the customer was. It was like someone releasing their pet into the river without permission. Especially if that fish was a ferocious, invasive species like Kouenji, which would devour all the native fish in the river until there was nothing left.

"Do you want something from me" I asked.

"No, no, I've no real business with you. I've simply acknowledged you, considering you're upbringing, and the fact that we are roommates. Although, we are certainly not alike in terms of position."

Kouenji flipped his hair once again, scattering more water, which splashed my face and uniform. Of course, he didn't seem to have the faintest clue of what he was doing to his victims. Despite what was happening to me, the bellhop watched this tragedy unfold with a grin. Oh, yes, yes, I sympathise with the pain you're feeling...not, he seemed to say.

"Well then, goodbye." I said, walking off.

"Actually, there thing." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to see a bare foot flying towards me. I hit it to the side and, with all my might, I punched the, admittedly sizeable, bulge in Kouenji's swimsuit. He staggered backwards.

"Hm. It seems you are as good as I. Be happy, you managed to get a lucky blow on a perfect existence."

Kouenji said. Even if anyone believed his neutral expression, I could notice faint tears in the corners of his eyes. He walked off, slightly slower than before. No one could simply tank through that kind of pain. The bellhop smiled slightly at seeing his oppressor brought to justice.

I decided I didn't want to go back to my room. I'd head back to were Ryuuen was. A map of the ship was on a nearby signboard, and pretty easy to understand. The fact that the map had been placed in a gilded frame might've been overkill, but also made it seem like something you'd find on a luxury liner. I drew a rout that'd let me kill a bunch of free time, and immediately hopped onto the elevator. I got off on the second deck.

The ship had nine decks in total, plus a roof. The fifth deck was above ground, while the fourth deck was below. The first deck housed both the lounge and banquet area, while the rooftop had the pool, café and other facilities. The third and fourth decks were for guest rooms. The guys were on the third deck; the girls on the fourth.

The guys and girls, teachers included, were neatly divided. However, there weren't any special restrictions on our movements, so a guy could easily wander through the girls' area. We were probably prohibited from staying on the girls' level or coming into the area after midnight, though.

The ship also had various kinds of entertainment options, such as movies and a live theatre venue. These were everywhere, from the first underground level up to the third underground level. On the fourth underground level-the lowest level at the bottom of the ship-was some kind of switchboard breaker room. That particular level was irrelevant to the students.

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