Arc 11 chapter 6: Kira

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On April 20th 2016, 2 students were murdered at the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.

One of the bodies was never found, and her death was covered up. She is now considered as missing by the Japanese government. Her name was Kiryuuin Fuka, and those involved in her death may or may not believe that her death was deserved. Very sad, of course.

But, there was another murder on that day. A murder that no one believed was justified.

A large fight was raging on the campus, and the throng of violence had made it towards the special annex building. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the body of a girl was flung out of the window. That in itself wasn't the worst thing, however.

It was the fact that the girl was almost naked, except for her underwear, and she was bleeding a horrific amount.

Blood instantly rained down on the students below. Not that anyone noticed at that time. Everyone was covered in blood, and they were to busy fighting to look up.

No one ever found this out, even in the post-mortem, but the girl was still clinging to life when she was hurled out the window. She was dying, to be sure, but she was still alive. She looked down, and tried to shout for help, but her vocal cords were constricted by the hosepipe around her neck. She could only look down, cursing the name of the man who had tricked her. The man who had murdered her.

She gave up, and her body went limp.

A few minutes later, someone noticed. The fighting soon stopped as everyone looked at the horrific spectacle above them.

The girl was called Akiko Ikeda, and she was a member of class 3-A. She was extremely clever for her age, and she was poised to graduate from the most prestigious high school in Japan, from class A, no less.

And now she was dead.

The killer was never discovered. When students and faculty went into the building to find who had committed such a heinous act, there was nobody there. It was also inconvenient that there were no security cameras there.

A single word was burned into the minds of the students who saw her body, as cut and bloody as it was. The word was fairly known to the first-year students who had been living in the outside world until this month. The second- and third-years soon learned of the recent string of murders that had struck Tokyo over the last year.

The word was carved upon the girls stomach, arms, breasts and legs. Over and over again, the word had been carved onto her, as she still lay there alive, screaming for someone to help. But no help ever came. The same situation had happened to many women over the past year.

The word was



What a rush it had been. My last victim had only been a few weeks ago, but it felt like a lifetime.

I may have put my name on her a few too many times this time, but I needed to get my name out there, yanno.

Hardly anyone in this school knew who I was. Kinda sucked.

If you had said the word Kira to anyone in Tokyo, the person you said it to would become shifty, and suddenly excuse themselves. They would go home, and lock their doors. That is the fear and respect that I had commanded, just last month.

But when I came here, the first-years took the issue of a serial killer lightly, and the senpai's simply didn't know what I was on about.

Now it was different.

At this school, I would become an unseen king.

I would rule through fear. And the thing is, no one would even know if I was Kira. I didn't need them to. The mere presence of someone like Kira at this school was enough to make someone subconsciously scared of anyone they met.

I took the bottle from my pocket. It was filled with a deep red liquid.

"So, Akiko. Here's to you, I suppose," I laughed, making a mocking toast to my recent victim, who I was to thank for the beverage I now held.

It sweet as honey.

Authors notes
718 words
Oof suuuper edgy and cringe, right.
Not much else to say really
Hope you're all doing well and I hope you enjoyed

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