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Nervously, I typed in Luke's phone number.

He was on tour in America, but if I counted right it should be just after their concert now.

I sighed and clicked the call button.

I remembered that he told me only to call him if there was some kind of emergency, if not he'd call me.

Technically this wasn't an emergency, but I wasn't going to hide this from him.

I've only figured it out an hour ago and even though I told myself to wait until tonight, I felt bad because I knew about this and he didn't.

Luke picked up after only just a second.

'Hey gorgeous,' he said 'What's going on, is everything okay?'

I smiled and the nervous feeling that had been swirling around in my stomach for the last hour immediately subsided.

He only just left 2 days ago, but I missed him.

I missed everything about him.

By now I knew what I could expect though, since this was the second tour he went on after I decided to go to Australia with him.

'Yeah, everything's okay. I just...I have to tell you something' I said.

I was scared to tell him this, because I didn't know what his reaction would be.

'And it's really crappy to say it over the phone, but I don't want to keep it a secret from you' I started, nervously biting the inside of my cheeks.

'Okay, what is it?' he asked, I could hear the other guys around him talking loudly, asking him if they could talk to me too and if he could put the phone of speaker like he usually did.

But they all suddenly went quiet.

'What do you have to tell me?' he asked, I could already picture him sitting on a couch, his phone pressed against his ear in one hand while nervously biting the nails of his other hand.

I sighed, looking at the table in front of me.

'I found out why I felt so shitty' I said, picking one of the pregnancy tests up from the table and staring at it. My voice was small, as if I was scared that he would get angry even though I knew he would never be angry about this.

If he didn't want it he would've never went along with it, right?

Luke seemed to relax a little as he let out a relieved sigh.

'Really? What was it?' he asked.

' don't freak out, okay?' I said.

'I won't freak out baby, just tell me what's going on' Luke said reassuringly.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath, before quickly letting the words tumble over my lips.

'I'm pregnant'

There was a short silence on the other side of the phone.

'It worked Luke, The IUI worked'

'It did? You're serious?' Luke asked, I could hear the disbelief in his voice.

'I'm dead serious' I said, looking at the pregnancy test in my hands.

'That's...Omygod it worked. It actually worked, You're actually pregnant'

I could hear some loud noises in the background.

'This is great, V. This Damn I could kiss you right now. You did it'

I smiled, enjoying the way he was slightly freaking out.

'We did it Luke' I said.

He could've seen it coming though.

Not feeling very well for days after you've done IUI seems like a pretty clear sign that it actually worked.

I guess we were both to scared for it not to work to believe that, maybe it did.

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