Chapter 23

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'We'll see you guys tomorrow' Luke mumbled as he opened the door to our hotel room and walked inside, dragging me behind him.
'I'm so tired' I mumbled as I walked over to the bed and dropped myself on top of it.
'I know, but you do have to get changed before you can go to sleep' Luke smiled as he opened our bag and pulled out my pyjama's.
'I don't want to, I'll sleep in this' I said as I turned to my side and sighed.
Luke grinned and sat down on the bed beside me.
'Come on V, It'll literally only take you 5 minutes to get changed' Luke said, knowing that I could never sleep very well with my normal clothes on.
'I'm going to do it for you if you're not doing it yourself' I could hear him smile but I was too tired to find anything funny at this point.
'That's harassment' I mumbled.
Luke grinned and softly rolled me back on my back.
'I'm your boyfriend' he said.
'I know, but if I don't want you to touch me and you do it anyway, you're harassing me'
'But if I let you fall asleep like this, you're going to be all grumpy tomorrow because you didn't get enough sleep. So please go get these on' Luke said as he threw my pyjama's on my stomach.
'Fine' I groaned as I slowly sat up straight and walked to the bathroom.
I quickly changed and walked back to the bed, my eyes already halfway closed.
Luke was lying in bed, scrolling through his phone like he usually did before he went to sleep.
He put his phone away when I crawled under the blankets beside him and smiled at me.
'Remember how we used to switch rolls and I'd be the one sleeping on your chest instead of you on mine' Luke grinned.
'Yeah I remember that,' I smiled.
'You want to sleep like that?'
'Can we?' Luke asked.
I laid down on my back and opened my arms.
'Probably not because there's a little baby in the way but we can try' I said.
Luke smiled and turned off the light on his nightstand before carefully letting his hand trail over my stomach to try and find place to put his head.
'Just come lay down' I grinned.
'Where? This baby is basically taking over your whole body, I didn't realize she was already growing this big' Luke said.
I laughed and shook my head.
He had seen me walking around in my bra yesterday, but apparently feeling it said more to him than seeing it.
'Just put your head down somewhere' I said.
Luke sighed and did as I said, putting his head down on my stomach.
He moved around for a few minutes before he softly started laughing.
'Alright this is not going to work' He grinned, lifting his head up.
'Wait what if you come lay down a little higher?' I said.
Luke was quiet for a minute, before he carefully rested his head on my chest.
'Is that better?' I asked, automatically wrapping my arm around waist.
'I didn't realize how much I missed this until now' he answered, as he put his hand on my baby bump and started drawing little circles on it.
'You didn't get to cuddle with the guys on tour?' I grinned, closing my eyes again and just focusing on our conversation.
'I did get to cuddle with them but they're not you' He said.
I grinned 'You mean, they don't have boobs to lay down on so it's not as comfortable'
'Exactly' Luke laughed.
We were quiet for a few minutes, both of us slowly drifting off to sleep.
'What do you think she's doing in there?' Luke suddenly whispered.
I smiled 'She's most likely developing eyebrows now'
Luke grinned 'Is she really?'
'She really is' I said 'I looked it up the other day because I was curious and it said that at 21 weeks your baby develops things like eyebrows and lips'
'How do you remember how far you are?' Luke asked 'Like, on what day of the week are you 22 weeks pregnant?'
'Tomorrow' I smiled 'I don't know what day exactly but we went to do the last IUI on a Saturday so I'm sticking with that'
Luke smiled 'What's she going to do at 22 weeks?' he asked.
'She's going to develop eyes and she'll start developing her pancreas' I said.
'So starting next week she can actually see?'
'There's not much to see for her because it's dark inside by belly but yeah'
Luke grinned and we were quiet again, both thinking about our little girl growing in there.
Luke moved around a bit and sat up a little straighter by leaning on his elbow.
'Alright, let's just go back to our normal way of sleeping' he said, his hand still drawing random figures on my belly.
'Are you sure?' I asked.
'Yeah,' Luke said, leaning forward and placing a tiny little kiss on my belly.
He laid down beside me and pulled me closer to him.
'I need both my girls to have a good night's sleep and I know you're more comfortable this way'
I smiled, pressing a kiss against his chest.
'Alright' I mumbled, too tired to put up an argument with him.
'Goodnight V' Luke said softly, pressing one more kiss against the top of my head before we both finally drifted off to sleep.

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