Chapter 71

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 One week.
One week had passed since we got back from our road trip.
I had gone back to work and came home to a smiling Luke every day.
Everything slowly seemed to start going back to normal and I couldn't be happier.
Couldn't be more relieved that I had finally found a way to deal with Lilly's death.
Though she was still on my mind every day and I still crumbled down every other day.
'Hey V?' Luke asked as he walked inside our bedroom.
'Hey Luke?' I replied as I took the clothes I had just been folding up and put them back in our closet.
'Where did you leave the pasta?' he asked, standing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
His chin was resting on my shoulder and I smiled as I leaned my head against his.
'I think it's in the second cabinet beside the fridge'
'Why would you put something in the haunted cabinet?' Luke mumbled, pressing a kiss against my jaw.
I grinned and shrugged.
'It might be haunted but it's still a cabinet.'
Luke pressed another kiss against my cheek and let go of my waist.
'Alright, I'll start making dinner then' he said before he walked out of our bedroom.
I continued putting our clothes back inside the closet until I heard something fall on the floor.
'Everything okay?' I asked.
I could hear Luke sigh and walk my way.
He was rubbing the side of his head with his one hand and in the other he held the box of pasta.
'Okay, so...the ghost in the cabinet doesn't like pasta. He was even kind enough to open up the box before he threw it out' he said as he held the empty box upside down.
I grinned and shook my head.
'Let's order something then. I don't think there's anything else for us to eat for dinner.'
Luke nodded and walked out of our bedroom to clean up the pasta that was now spread all over the floor.
'What do you want to order?' he asked.
I dropped the last articles of clothing in our closet and walked inside the kitchen.
'Chinese?' I suggested as I sat down on the counter top.
Luke was sitting on the floor, slowly picking up the spaghetti and throwing it away.
'Yeah let's order Chinese' Luke agreed.
He handed me his phone and I quickly ordered us some food.
'It'll be here in an hour' I told Luke as he stood up.
He nodded as a reply and looked around the floor once more to make sure there was no more pasta.
When he couldn't find anything else. He smiled and walked up to me.
He stopped when he was standing in between my legs, his hands sneaking under my dress.
I looked at him and pressed my lips against his.
My arms wrapped around his neck and his hands trailed up, one of them stopping on my waist and the other went further up to cup my face.
We had been doing this the entire week.
We would make out until we were out of breath and out of energy.
Until we were naked and lying in bed.
But we always stopped there.
As if we were afraid that, if we would go any further, I would get pregnant again.
Although we both knew that wouldn't be the case.
We both knew we'd still need help with getting pregnant once we were ready, but maybe this is how our bodies told us that we weren't ready.
It still hurt, if I thought about Lilly for too long and I still had to constantly remind myself that Luke was Luke. Luke was not Lilly.
And I knew that Luke was still dealing with the same thing. He didn't talk about it much but I had been waking up during the night, and every time I woke up, he was gone.
A few days ago I had found him in our spare room, holding on to the bear onesie we had bought for her.
He was dealing with the same amount of pain as I was, he just kept it hidden because he wanted to be strong. He wanted to be there for me without his own emotions getting in the way.
Sorry this is shorter than normally. 
I've just been dealing with some things and didn't really feel like writing so where usually, I have already written 2 or 3 chapters in advance, this one I wrote just now. Which is probably also why it's not as good as the other chapters are. 
I'll do my best for the next ones I promise :)

3 more chapters and the epilogue before it's over :(

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