Chapter 41

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I sighed, getting back in the car.
The drive to Perth would take us 4 days and we were on day 3 now.
'Okay I'm ready' I smiled, slightly out of breath from walking a little faster than usually.
Which was not a very smart idea but it wasn't that much faster and besides, my stomach hadn't hurt very much the last few days.
The pain hadn't really left yet but it was definitely less.
'Finally' Luke joked as Calum started the car.
I looked at Luke who was sitting in the backseat behind me and stuck my tongue out to him.
'You're half the reason this baby is here, I can't help it that I constantly need to pee and walk a little slower' I said, turning the volume of the radio down a tiny little bit since I had started getting a headache.
'I'm a third of the reason' Luke pointed out, 'You were the second third and the last one was the doctor'
I looked at him, not sure what to say.
He always just talked about this as if it wasn't a problem but I felt like I was some kind of failure because I was the reason we needed help getting me pregnant.
Luke sat up straight, resting his head on the back of my seat and smiled at me.
'Don't blame yourself V,' he said, taking my hand and softly squeezing in it.
'We're both slightly dysfunctional human beings'
I grinned and looked at him.
'I'm the biggest reason things didn't work out the way they should have though'
'No you're not, shut up,' Luke argued, his voice growing a little louder.
'Stop blaming yourself for something you can't change. We're both failed creatures but look at this,' He placed his around my baby bump. 'Does that look like a failure to you?'
I shook my head, placing my hand on my belly as well.
'Exactly, who cares that we needed a doctor to help us out? Which, might I add, was more because I failed not because you did'
I smiled, looking around the car to see the other guys were all occupied with something else.
The only one who might be secretly listening to our conversation was Calum but he seemed very focused on the road.
'I'm just telling you the same things the doctor told us when we got those test results back' Luke said, kissing my cheek.
'That's not really what the doctor said' I grinned.
'No, the doctor said I have slow moving sperm and you have small ovaries'
I grinned shaking my head 'Not small ovaries'
'I mean those things that lead to it. I don't know what they're called I never paid attention at biology. It doesn't even matter. It wasn't the best combination but it worked out anyway.'
'Did you guys think of any names yet?' Calum asked.
'Like serious names?' he corrected when Luke instantly opened his mouth to, most likely, say "bubbles"
'We talked about it but it usually ends as soon as we told each other 2 names because I'll be too tired to stay awake' I said.
'But did you have anything in mind already?'
'Not really' Luke shook his head, looking down for a second, lost in his thoughts.
'We've got time though, we'll think of something' I said, intertwining Luke's hands with mine.
Luke absentmindedly nodded before averting his gaze to me, a big smile on his face.
'Maybe I've got something'
'You do? Well what is it?' I asked.
Luke shook his head looking at Calum.
'I'm not telling you yet, you'll have to wait until tonight' he said, biting his lip in excitement.
'Please? Write it down!' I tried.
Luke looked at me, his expression starting to grow a little nervous.
'Alright' he nodded, taking his phone and quickly typing the name, looking it for a minute before smiling and handing it to me.
So...they have a baby name now *insert smirking emoji*
I'm so excited for you guys to find out the name my opinion, the reason I/he picked this name is really freaking cute.
But...I'm not going to tell you what it is yet because I don't want to. You'll have to wait for a while hahaa
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