Chapter 29

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'God I'm so hungover' Calum mumbled as he rested his head against the cold window of the car.
Luke and I grinned, not answering his self-pity.
Ashton was fast asleep again, and Michael was in the middle, even though that meant Luke couldn't see anything that happened behind the car.
Luke was driving since he had slept the most and I was sitting in the passenger seat since Michael and Luke agreed that they didn't want to torture me by letting me sit in between 2 hungover guys.
The drive to Alice Springs was going to take us about 28 hours, but with Calum and Ashton unable to drive for the rest of the day, we most likely had to stop earlier than we had planned.
I looked at Luke's ring I had around my finger, trying to spin it around but failing since my fingers were starting to swell up even more.
I sighed, resting my head against the window, a wave of insecurity and sadness washing over me.
'I have to pee' I mumbled, lifting my head up and looking at Luke.
Luke looked at me and smiled, but the look in his eyes told me he could see there was something else going on as well.
'We'll stop at the next gas station' he said, taking my hand in his and pulling it in his lap.
I nodded and rested my head back against the window.
15 minutes went by without passing one single gas station and my bladder was slowly growing bigger and bigger.
'Why is there never a fucking gas station around when I need it?' I grumbled,sitting up straight to try and give my bladder more space to fill up.
'I know baby, just hold on I think we just passed a sign that said there's one on the way' Luke said, softly squeezing my hand.
I sighed and looked around, searching for the gas station that soon popped up beside the road.
Luke drove us off the highway and parked the car.
I immediately got out and made my way to the bathrooms, they were the most disgusting things ever but I didn't care anymore at this point.
When I came back, Luke was silently throwing some food in the car from my side, trying not to wake Cal and Ash up.
'Okay we can continue' I said, giving him a small smile and expecting him to step away from the door to go back to the driver's side.
But he looked at me when I was standing in front of him and told Michael we'd leave in 5 minutes before closing the door.
He leaned against the car and opened his arms, pulling me in a hug.
'What's going on?' he asked softly, pulling back from the hug and taking my hands in his.
I looked at my feet, already feeling the first tears burn behind my eyes.
'It's nothing I'm just having an off day' I said, trying to shrug it off.
Luke took my chin in between his thumb and index finger and lifted my head up so he could look at me.
'So talk to me' he said.
I looked around, seeing that there was nothing to look at except for the road, but it felt better than looking at him, I hated crying in front of people but I knew that's what was going to happen and not looking at the person I was going to be crying in front of felt better than looking him straight in his eyes when I did.
'I just,' I mumbled, pulling my fingers through my hair as if that was going to keep me from crying.
I was not a crier so I knew these were just the hormones taking control over my body but that didn't make it any better.
'Everything's just wrong today' I said, glancing at him shortly before looking back at the road behind him.
'Like?' Luke asked patiently.
'Like, I can't sit comfortably in the car because there's something bugging me no matter how I sit down and I woke up at 5am and couldn't fall back asleep anymore and this ring is practically cutting of my finger but I don't want to take it off and my bra's getting too small and my boobs hurt and I already feel like I'm going to have to pee again in half an hour and it's driving me insane' I rambled, the tears starting to fall as soon as I opened up to him about this.
Luke smiled and pulled me in a hug as more tears ran down my face.
'Don't laugh' I sniffed, burying my face in his shoulder.
'Sorry,' Luke mumbled, pressing a kiss against the top of my head.
'But we can fix one of your problems' he said.
I looked at him and shook my head.
'I'm not taking the ring of' I said, knowing that's the problem he was talking about.
Luke looked at me and smiled, pressing a kiss against my forehead.
'You should take it off, I prefer my girlfriend with 10 fingers not 9. Here,' he said, taking my hand and carefully taking the ring off my finger.
'Luke I don't want to take it off' I said, new tears already filling my eyes. He really didn't pick the right time to be like this.
Luke ignored me and put the ring back around his pink.
I looked at it, biting my lip to keep the tears inside, as both his hands disappeared behind his head.
I sniffed and turned around, taking a step back from him in another attempt to stop myself from crying.
'Hey stay here' Luke said, 'I wasn't done yet, you weirdo. Stand still I don't want to accidentally choke you'
'What?' I asked, confused about what he was talking about. But I stood still just like he asked me to.
He swept my hair to the side and carefully hung something around my neck.
I took it in my hands and looked at it as he placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around, pushing my hair back to where it originally was and smiling at me.
'Now you have something to play around with and you'll still have all 10 fingers at the end of the pregnancy' he said.
I smiled and looked at the necklace, the one he always wore, although he sometimes hid it under his shirt.
Luke pulled me back in a hug 'Does that make things a little bit better?' he asked softly.
I sniffed and nodded, pressing a kiss against his lips.
'Thank you'
So my Calum fanfic is almost finished...which means that I can finally post the Michael or Ashton fanfic I've been working on months!!!
But I need your help...which one do I post? The Ashton fanfic or the Michael fanfic?

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