Chapter 48

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I breathed heavily, trying to get as much air in my lungs as possible.
I barely knew what I was doing anymore at this point.
There was a doctor, telling me when to push and when to take a breath, there were 3 nurses ready to take my baby once it was born, Luke was standing on the right side of my bed while holding on to my hand tightly and there were 2 heart monitors beeping on my right side.
The most distracting thing though, the only clear thing that I could focus on, that made me want to scream and cry and give up all at once, was the pain.
It was a pain that demanded to be felt, I couldn't go past it and with every time I had to push, it only seemed to grow worse.
'One last push Ivy, give us one more big push and she'll be out' The doctor said, sounding like I was about to win a race.
Luke looked at me and nervously bit his lip.
'You've got this' he said, softly squeezing my hand.
I shook my head but as the next contraction approached, I instinctively took a deep breath and pushed.
A few agonizing, slow seconds passed in which the doctor told me to keep going, Luke squeezed my hand a little tighter and my entire body felt like it was about to give in, and then all at once, I felt the doctor pull her out, he cut the umbilical cord and immediately gave her to the nurses as they rushed to another table and stimulated our baby to breath on her own.
I tried to take slow, deep breaths as I looked at Luke.
I could feel the doctor doing something but at this point, I couldn't care less.
She just needed to cry.
We needed to hear her cry.
Luke looked at the nurses, anxiously watching what they did and trying to understand what they were saying as they kept throwing medical terms at each other.
He squeezed my hand and I could see him swallow away the tears as the doctor took over from the nurses.
Luke looked at me shortly, making sure I was okay before focusing back on our baby.
'Come on' he mouthed, but she still wasn't crying.
A few more minutes passed before I heard a heartbeat, one that wasn't coming from my ECG.
Luke sighed out of relieve, but we both knew this might not last very long.
'She's turning blue' one of the nurses said.
'Heartbeat is dropping, she's not getting enough oxygen' Another nurse said before they all went in what sounded and probably looked like panic mode and attached all kinds of things to our little girl.
'She's going to make it' Luke mumbled.
The words were meant mostly to try and give the both of us some hope but all he did was stare at the tiny human being.
About 15 minutes passed like this. She constantly drifted off and was pulled back again until finally, she started to stabilize.
They took her out of the room and Luke and I were left alone.
He sat down on the chair that was placed beside the bed and looked at me.
We were both completely silent, not sure whether to be happy that she was born or sad because it had to be this way.
Exhaustion slowly started to take over as the contractions that were still coming, slowly started growing less.
'Hey Luke' I said, deciding to try and make him smile.
'Yeah?' he replied, still looking a little anxious.
'You're a dad' I smiled.
Luke smiled, and leaned his arm on the bed, resting his head on top of it so his face was on the same level as mine.
He released my hand out of his and placed it on my cheek instead.
'And you're a mom' he said, watching his own hand as it softly trailed along my jaw.
'She'll be okay right?' I asked quietly, closing my eyes but opening them again when Luke started talking.
'Yeah, she'll be alright,' he replied, although he didn't sound very convinced yet.
'You're her mom so she's a fighter'
I grinned and shook my head.
'I'm not a fighter what are you talking about?' I smiled.
Luke looked at my face again, a small smile still covering his lips.
'Yes you are. When you know what you want you're a fighter. When I was away, you were the one who helped me realize that breaking up with you wasn't going to make things easier'
'That only happened once Luke'
'But it happened and you fought for it,' Luke said, 'And god am I glad you did'
I smiled and took his hand in mine again while softly playing with his fingers.
'You should get some sleep.' Luke said, his voice just above a whisper.
'Only if you stay here with me'
'I will, I'm not leaving your side,' Luke smiled, leaning forward and softly pressing his lips against my cheek.
'I love you so much V. No matter what happens I will always be by your side'
So the baby is born!! :D
And still alive!! :D
I had so much trouble writing this chapter but...I hope I did good hahaa :)

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