Chapter 2

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'Good morning Ivy, How're you doing today?' Finn asked as I walked inside the bookstore.

It was a small bookstore, with a little cafeteria on the second floor where you could peacefully read and drink some tea or coffee.

I worked here whenever I could because, as Luke predicted a couple years ago, I was getting a little bored with just sitting in the apartment not doing anything.

'I'm good, still a little nauseous but it'll pass' I smiled widely as I dropped my bag behind the counter.

I used to put it in the office on the third floor but ever since I found out I was pregnant, I got tired really fast and maybe a little lazy too.

Finn smiled.

'Obviously you feel good, today's the day' he said.

I nodded, taking one of the half empty boxes filled with books and placing it on the counter to empty it.

'Yeah, just 7 more hours and he'll be back' I smiled, taking some books out and walking to the right shelf.

'Or, well...7 hours until his plane lands. It'll be about 8 hours until I actually get to see him again'

Finn nodded and looked at me.

'I was going to ask if you're excited but the look on your face says enough' he laughed.

I grinned and bend down to grab the second box of books but Finn stuck out his foot to stop me.

'No heavy lifting' he stated, softly pushing me away and putting the box on the counter beside the other one.

I smiled and looked at him.

'I'm really not that fragile, and the box wasn't even that heavy'

Finn smiled, taking some books out of the box to stack them in the right shelves.

'Right, maybe you're not as fragile as you look but that baby is, and the box might not look very heavy, but it's too heavy to lift when you're pregnant'

'Not so loud Finn!' I said, pushing his arm.

Finn grinned.

'There's no one here Ivy, It's Friday, there's never anyone here on Friday and you know it. That's why you're usually happy and excited on Friday's. Because you can spent the whole day sitting around and doing nothing'

'But what if someone walked in at the exact same time you said that? I would've been screwed.'

'Okay, okay I'm sorry.' Finn said.

After working with me while I was pregnant for 4 months, he knew when he had to stop arguing.

I sighed, trying to calm myself down again.

'How's El doing actually?' I asked when I had calmed down, I would apologize to him but by now I had done that so many times he once went down on his knees and begged me to stop saying sorry all the time.

'She's doing okay. She's going through a tough time right now with her dad being sick, but she's pulling herself through it' he said.

'I feel so bad for her' I said, stacking some more books in the "Romance" shelf.

'Yeah so do I, she said she might stop by on her break though'

'Really? That's good! It's been a while since she's been here'

Finn nodded. 'Yeah, like I said, she's pulling herself through. Just don't ask her about it. She's doing good until someone asks about it'

I nodded

'Noted. I'll just show her the pictures of the first ultrasound I had'

Finn turned to face me and looked around the store making sure no one was there before continuing.

'You took them with you?' he asked, a smile growing on his face.

'Why didn't you say that earlier? Show me!' he said, walking to the counter and putting my bag on the counter.

I grinned, walking over to him and taking the little envelope out of my bag.

The door opened and Finn and I both turned around to see Ella walking inside.

'Hey baby,' Finn smiled.

'V was just about to show me the pictures of her ultra sound'

'Oh, you had another ultra sound?' Ella asked, looking at me excitedly.

'No I didn't, these are the pictures of the first ultra sound, I just kept forgetting to take them with me' I grinned.

Ella and Finn looked at the first picture I had in my hands.

'It's so adorable' Ella said.

'I don't even know what I'm looking at but it's so cute. Isn't it weird? To know that there's a little human being growing inside your stomach?'

I grinned and nodded.

It felt good, but at the same time it was really scary.

I smiled focusing back on the pictures and explaining Ella and Finn what there was to see.

I entered the wattys with this story AND with Outside because I thought "why the hell not?" So please keep up the voting and stuff so that maybe I have this very very very small chance at actually winning a watty (I'm not even joking I might cry if I do win one)
So yeah...I'm actually really excited about this hahaa I didn't want to beg for votes because I never really cared if someone doesn't vote but please vote! Even if it's only just one chapter, I'll be one vote closer to winning a watty! :D

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