Chapter 20

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A/N: This chapter is from Luke's POV

I softly groaned when my alarm clock went off, quietly turning around with my eyes still closed and shutting it off.

I looked beside me, already preparing myself to kick V out of bed but she was already out.
'V?' I said, sitting up straight.

'I'm in here' Ivy said softly.

She always talked very softly in the morning, as if she wasn't awake enough to realize she was basically just whispering.
I walked to the bathroom where her voice came from and found her standing in front of the mirror, looking at her belly.

'How did you sleep?' I asked, closing the lid of the toilet and sitting down on it.

Ivy shook her head unconsciously 'Not very good, I woke up 4 or 5 times during the night and it took me forever to fall back asleep' she explained.
I nodded 'Why did you wake up?' I asked.
'I don't know, I just did. Maybe it was because I can't really sleep on my belly anymore'

I grinned 'I remember that day when you said you can't fall asleep if you're not laying on your stomach'
'Exactly, so maybe that's the reason'

I looked at her, her eyes still focused on her hands that were drawing circles on her belly.

I smiled, suddenly getting an idea.
I stood up, taking my phone out of my pocket and secretly turning my camera on.
'What are you doing?' I asked. I could almost hear the smile in my own voice.
'It's just so weird,' Ivy mumbled, softly poking her belly as if she was making sure it was actually real.

'What is?' I asked, hoping she wouldn't say anything about the gender.

'There's a little human being in here' Ivy said 'Like, there's a legit baby in there and I can feel it kicking on the inside, but not on the outside.'
I smiled standing behind her, my head resting on her shoulder as my one arm carefully wrapped around her waist. The other hand still pointing my phone at her.
'Our little baby' I said, biting down on my lip and pressing a kiss against her cheek 'Our little Bubbles'

Ivy laughed, looking up at me in the mirror.

'You and your Bubbles' she grinned, right before she noticed my phone pointing right at her.

'Hey' she laughed, pushing the hand with my phone away.

I laughed, turning the camera off and putting the phone back in my pocket for now.
'Are they really starting to notice it? I mean, I'm not surprised actually because it's very hard to hide this' she grinned, looking back at her belly.

'They're starting to guess it yeah' I said truthfully, putting my hands back on her stomach.
'But do they have proof yet?'
'They have a few things. When we were on the beach the other day the wind was blowing your dress against you so you could see it and you grabbed your belly when you got out of the hot air balloon.' I explained.

Ivy looked down at our hands, quietly intertwining our fingers as she bit her lip.
'Sorry' she said.
I smiled 'Don't be sorry weirdo, if I would've been the pregnant one they would've figured it out a long time ago'
Ivy smiled.

'I'm not blaming you for anything' I said, just to be clear.
She nodded, looking up at my face.
'Show me that video you made' she said, probably getting the same idea as I just had.
I let go of her waist, making sure to keep a hold of her hand and pulling her to the toilet as I took my phone out of my pocket.
I sat down and pulled her on my lap, quickly searching for the video and showing her what I filmed.
Ivy smiled, watching the video and turning to me afterwards.
'Should we post this on Instagram or Twitter or whatever?' she asked carefully.

I smiled. 'If you're okay with that' I said.
She looked at my phone doubtfully.

'If you're worried about the fact that you're standing in your bra, I don't think they care about that once they realize what this video is actually about' I said.
'But they might once they've calmed down'

'Do you really think they're ever going to calm down?' I grinned 'I don't think they'll ever fully recover from this'

Ivy laughed 'You make it sound so bad,' she said 'like we're about to tell them you're quitting the band or something'

'Well thank goodness it's not that' I said 'but they might start thinking I am'

'Then just tell them you're not' Ivy said.

'Right' I grinned, completely forgetting about the fact that I can do that.

'Life is so easy sometimes' Ivy grinned, resting her head against mine and softly rubbing her belly again.

'That's only because of you though, you make it a lot easier...sometimes'

Ivy laughed 'Like that one time you freaked out because you couldn't get your jeans of your ass and all I said was "pull your zipper down"?'

'We made a deal to forget about that!' I said, laughing as well.

'Sorry,' Ivy grinned as she stood up and walked out of the bathroom, probably to put her shirt back on. 'but you could've seen it coming'

'Yeah yeah, I know' I grinned, getting out of the bathroom as well.

'But are we posting this?' I asked, holding my phone up to show her what I meant.
'This might be a really stupid idea but yeah, you can post it' She said, taking the dress she wore yesterday out of our bag and walking back to the bathroom.

'You're the best,' I said 'I love you'

'I love you too' Ivy said before she completely disappeared.
I sighed, searching for the video and watching it again, making sure we didn't accidentally tell the gender or something else they didn't need to know, before opening Instagram.

I bit my lip, smiling widely as I put nothing more but a heart-eye emoji in the caption and clicked on the little check mark.

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